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Harry's pov.

"Home is wherever I'm with you."

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros - Home


"Where are you going, baby?" The sweet staged voice of my fiancé echoed behind me as I was frantically packing my bags on the last minute.

"I already told you, I'm going to Cheshire for the weekend", I answered her question without looking at her.

"Well, why aren't you taking me?" She imitated that innocent Marilyn Monroe style of speaking, which on Marilyn herself sounded sexy and teasing, but on Angelina, was as annoying as a cicada.

"Because I can't stand you", I said, punching my underwear inside of the bag.

She looked at me, then slowly walked to our bed and sat down beside my bag so I would be obligated to see her. "Why do you talk to me like that, Harry?" She seemed genuinely hurt.

I suddenly stopped and looked at her frowning face. I was panting from packing so fast. "You know why", I squinted my eyes at her to let her know that she didn't fool me. "You know very well that I don't want to marry you, that I absolutely despise you, and yet you keep lurking around my house, eating my food and calling me baby."

"You certainly don't make this easy for me, do you?" She crossed her legs.

"If you're going to make my life a living hell, I'll be sure to make the same favor to you", I said before continuing to pack.

She finally didn't bother to play the victim in front of me after that, clenching her jaw and furrowing her eyebrows on an attempt to make herself look menacing. "Well you better start treating me well, Mister Styles", she got up and slowly walked to me, pointing her finger at my face. "You wouldn't want to see me opening my mouth to your family, your friends, and most importantly, the press; Would you?"

I gritted my teeth. "No, I wouldn't."

"Then it's settled, I'm coming to Cheshire!" She said in an cheering way.

"Oh, hell no", I furrowed my brows. "You are most definitely not."

"What did I just say to you?" Her hands went to her hips, as if she was a mother that was trying to educate me.

"Yeah, I heard you. I heard you and I know you", it was my turn to look menacing. I towered her in a very aggressive way to make a point. "I know that you wouldn't risk a multimillionaire wedding just to go on a field trip. You'll keep your mouth shut if you want to be married some day."

She had tears in her eyes, it wasn't from sadness. She was fighting back a few anger tears, because she knew I was right, she knew I had won this fight.

"When you come back", she was shaking. "I'll have a surprise for you."


Valerie's pov.


After Harry careful and tenderly put his grandpa to bed at some time in the night, he and I made our own beds on his room. He let me sleep on his actual bed and he slept on the bed underneath it that he managed to slide it out without having to move any other furniture. I wanted to just lay down and sleep, but there was so many thoughts in my head.

Zayn, mostly. He was worrying me. I knew I still had some feelings for him and it would hurt me really bad to let him go. But I couldn't stand losing Harry again, I would never be able to recover from that again.

The lights on his room were off, he was surprisingly lied down and not trying anything with me.

I appreciated the fact that he never made me choose, not even mentioning the possibility of monogamy in this relationship. I guess it was because he couldn't make a choice himself, he had a fiancé and he seemed to not have any intention to break that up. If he didn't want it, then I didn't want him to do it either.

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