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Harry's pov.

"You can't say we're satisfied, but Angie, you can't say we never tried."

The Rolling Stones - Angie


The following day I had obligated myself to get into a shower and go straight to work before I fell asleep and wouldn't be able to open my eyes for the next twelve hours.

But later on my lunch time, after every person I came across stared at the dark marks underneath my eyes, I went back to my flat and happily jumped into my bed just so I could fall asleep forever. After that, I didn't go back to work.

I had the longest nap of my life, it was already night time when the ring of my phone woke me up. I fought the urge to go back to sleep and answered the call, too absorbed to answer with anything but a groan.

"Do you want me to get a limo for tonight? I'm assuming you'll be drinking your ass off", Angelina's voice filled my ears, but I couldn't make sense of her words.

"What?" I rolled over, cleaning the dribble I had on the corner of my mouth.

"Cara's birthday party, Harry!" She impatiently raised her voice. "What is wrong with you?"

"Don't fucking yell at me, I'm just tired. Forgot about that stupid party", I rubbed my eyes to wake myself up. "Is it another one of your annoying little friends?"

"Don't talk about her like that", she scolded me. "Do you want the bloody limo?"

"I don't know, whatever", I hung up, gathering all of my strength to get up and go back to my house.

On the ride back home, I had decided to go exactly as I looked right now, with my hair slightly knotted in the back and rumpled clothes. I was too tired. Scarlet had sucked every last bit of energy I had in me. My lower back was hurting- perhaps I was getting too old for sex on the back of a car.

But she was the exact opposite. No matter how long we'd stay on the back of this car, she seemed insatiable, so full of life, never tired.

I had to prepare myself mentally just so I could hold a conversation with Angelina without snapping again. I took countless deep breaths before parking my car next to the black limo in front of our house.

"Ready to go?" I straightened my blazer around my body, trying to make myself more presentable in front of a random mirror placed on the living room.

Angelina did the same, fixing the short blue dress she had on and bouncing her golden curls. "Are you going like that?" She pointed at me, with eyebrows furrowed. I didn't answer her, so in response she rolled her eyes at me. "At least remove the jacket, Harry, you're not going to a funeral."

"It's not a jacket", I turned on my heels and got to my front door, ready to leave after I barely entered the house.

In a few, long and silent minutes we arrived at the hotel that was hosting the party. Everything passed by me like a blur, I completely zoned out for about an hour. People greeting me and trying to make quick conversations, getting meaningless nods in response. I was completely out of my comfort zone while Angelina was too comfortable. When meeting her friends, she'd make the freakiest noises and talk about useless shit. They also walked in packs, making it completely intimidating for any predator to come near them- not that I wanted, they were attractive separately but a horror movie when gathered.

At some point, I found myself at the bar, slowly sipping whiskey while people were having what they considered fun.

The memories of last night were clouding my mind, but what bothered me the most was the fact that I was so worried about things I ended up spilling out one of the biggest details of my life. Yes, let's call it a detail. I had the strangest feeling that she was honest about everything and she could keep a secret, so I was oddly comfortable with telling her that.

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