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Harry's pov.

"The way she moved, her hair, her face, her lines; divinity in motion."

Michael Jackson — Dangerous


Lights flashing all over the place being reflected by the thick silver pole placed in front of me, on the stage. Her legs. What were those? It's like they were made out of diamonds. Am I that high? The music on the place was so compelling I couldn't help but move my shoulders to the sexy rhythm. That woman moved across the pole as if gravity didn't exist to her, her long black locks waving in the air, her legs intertwined holding her body up, moving graciously. My chest was pounding, blood rushing through my veins; I felt like I could lift a truck. But as quick as she started her dance number, she ended. Another girl not so shiny entered, but I wanted the one that glowed.

"What was the name of that one again?" I yelled at my friend's ear as the music got louder.

"I have no idea, but shit!" He groaned humorously. Seth was the funniest guy I've ever met. Also the biggest pothead, with a thick voice because of all the years smoking everything in front of him. Seth was also the kindest and most intelligent guy. We don't do drugs together much often- I don't consider marijuana a drug, but today was a great exception.

I didn't want to be unaware of the place I was- completely high and out of my mind-, I wanted to experience every second of it. So I decided to not sniff any more as I stumbled through the strip club to buy myself a lap dance. After all, what's the point on having a bachelor party without lap dances?

"I want the shiny girl!" I tried to make sense of myself, while looking at the barely clothed girl in charge. "What's her name?"

"Scarlet?" She answered with a flirtatious tone, but I could sense she didn't mean it. "Do you want a lap dance from her?"

Hell yeah, I wanted. "For two, por favor!" She furrowed her brows, having no idea of what I said, ignorant whore. The woman handed me the tickets or whatever that was, and I handed her the large bills she was waiting for.

I stumbled back to the table and tapped Seth's shoulder. He didn't move a muscle, his eyes were glued to the newest dancer on the stage.

"Dude, I felt so sorry for you I bought us a lap dance!" We laughed together, I held the tickets unconsciously to his chest.

"Shut up, you're next on the list!" I laughed but a shiver came through my spine just by the thought of it. 

"Hell, no."

"What about us? You're fucking rich, buy to the whole party!" A drunk-stoned Ed yelled across the table and the whole party cheered. Jesus Christ, I already had the club shut down for us, do I have to do everything?

"I'll buy you one when you get married" I tapped Seth's shoulder once again. "Let's go before we lose the girl."

He got up and we made our way to the separate room, one seeking balance on the other.

It was small and dark. We sat down on the red leather couch and a red light went on, alongside a song. I knew that song, what was the name again? Since I've Been Loving You! Led Zeppelin! Oh fuck, I almost came in anticipation, that song and that girl matched perfectly.

And slowly, she showed up behind black curtains, like a ghost. She had a devilish smirk on her red lips. Her legs weren't shining any more, I noticed she changed to a red lingerie. Everything in that place was red- like Hell.

She walked towards us with her heels, placing her foot between my legs, on the couch. I dared to touch her bare skin, but she kicked my hand. What a tease. I ran my hand through my hair to contain myself, that woman was all I could see.

"Which one of you is the boy?" She carefully said each word, a low seducing voice, like she had swallowed too many cocks tonight.

Seth raised his hand, his mouth half opened, mesmerized. He looked like a kid looking at his dad's porn for the first time.

The woman teased him, touched him with her heels, pushed his chest with it and laid him on the couch. She turned her back to him, her curly hair involving his face as she twirked so slowly on his groin I could see her every muscle move. He took a sniff of her hair and grabbed it with one hand, cupping her boob with the other. She turned her head in my direction, looking me in the eyes as she squeezed Seth's hand and her own boob. A moan came out of her mouth and she bit her lower lip, slowly releasing it from her tight grip.

I had to have that woman.

"Don't forget about me, doll", I reminded her that there were three of us in that room. She just turned around and placed herself on top of me, face to face. Her hips did the same to me as it did to Seth, I could feel her sex roughly being rubbed against mine. As my jeans were gradually getting too tight for me, my hand travelled through her thighs, her waist, her boobs. She had nice natural tits, they weren't big but enough to fill my palms; I appreciated the natural beauty.

"Fuck, I can't resist a brunette", I whispered in her ear. My throat aching, my voice failing, my boner getting bigger by the second. "How much for the night?" I bit her lobe, her delicate hands carefully lying on my chest, gently pulled me away.

"Oh baby", she groaned as her brown iris stared into mine. "I am no prostitute." She smiled, not being offended at all, like this kind of offer would pop up daily to her. 

The woman got up and danced in front of us doing all sorts of things, getting on the ground, lifting her long legs in the air, bending over, doing sex movements to get the best boner out of us. Her little choreography lasted for another minute until she got up and disappeared in the black curtain again, the music coming to its end. At least the song came...

"Well, fuck!" I complained to Seth.

"Man... I don't want to get married", he was quite sad as he stated. I understood him, who would?

"Let's get out of here before I cross that curtain and get arrested for abuse." 

I was mad- fuck it, I wanted to sniff some more.

And so I did. Placing all my frustration into that fine line of white powder - the best in town, I don't sell garbage to my clients -, I felt the world spin as I yelled in excitement, my voice echoing through that club.

My friends were weak, it wasn't even four in the morning when they decided to end the night. Pussies.

"Paul will drive you home", I told Seth. My car was inside of my garage when I felt his strange presence by my side. I didn't even know I had offered him a ride.

"Are you sure Angelina is not going to flip out over you coming home stoned?" His words were spoken quickly. I stared at his long beard moving.

"I don't give a shit", I slowly made my way out of the car and tried to find my way inside of the house.

I looked like a teenager getting drunk for the first time. As my body searched for balance on my wall, my hips probably ruining my furniture, I crept my way upstairs and into my bed. The slim figure of my fiancé laying down on the right side of my king-sized bed, I couldn't see her face and her blonde hair placed on her pillow would probably scratch my face during the night.

I fell on the bed with no care, bouncing, my face straight on the sheets.

"You used again?" Her sleepy voice asked me, carefully.

"Fuck off."

And I blacked out.

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