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Scarlet's pov.

"Illusion never changed into something real."

Torn — Natalie Imbruglia


Zayn's body was electric, lustful. I was eager to just get to the point already, but society tells me I'd be a whöre if I did.

But who gives a shit about society?

"I don't want to smoke anymore", I frowned. Zayn was still rolling a blunt, but he finished it anyways, licking it sealed and placing it on top of his center table.

I found myself at his library again.

"What do you want to do?" He sat back in a sloppy way. I didn't give him an answer.

I raised one of my legs to rest on his thigh, feeling the fabric of my dress move around and reveal more skin than it already did. Completely aware that my underwear was in display, I kept eye contact with him, biting on the tip of my pinky finger. I was lying on the couch, watching Zayn stare in between my legs, biting his lip.

Getting my message, he palmed my upper thighs, slowly hovering me with his slim body so our lips could meet. I cupped his jaw, slightly caressing his beard as his hand traveled up higher on my body and our lips brushed against each other in sync. His tongue made its way inside of my mouth and I played with it, shuffling my body so my dress would lift more.

Zayn pressed his knee against my core, making a wave of heat run through my body and I automatically hummed between our kiss, encouraging him to go further. His hands slowly felt my body, caressing my waist and the sides of my boobs. I almost thought he was teasing me, but then I realised that was his rhythm. He was slow, romantic, tender. I wasn't anything but urgent. We weren't in sync, so I had to calm myself down and be patient with him.

"Zayn?" I broke our kiss, mumbling against his lip. He hummed as an answer, and I continued with a plead. "Touch me."

My own words brought me back to a week ago, when a breathless Harry was underneath me and begging for my touch. I almost got distracted with those memories, that also gradually brought me to the reason I was lying on this couch in the first place.

But all of it vanished at the sight of Zayn's head between my legs, the feeling of his tongue opening my slit and playing with my pleasure spot like it was his little doll. Slow, torturous tongue movements felt so good I couldn't keep myself shut, or my hands to myself. I caressed his head- not pulling his hair, just playing with it and adjusting myself to his ways.

One of his long fingers played on my wet entrance, while the other went underneath my leg and made a slight pressure on the pit of my stomach, increasing my pleasure. Thankfully, he went hungrier and his movements grew faster, alongside my upcoming clímax.

Zayn closed his eyes as he started to roughly rub his tongue against my clít and enter me with two of his fingers. I hit my highest spot with a low moan, shutting his ears with my trembling thighs and an arched back.

His movements ceased and his body was hovering me again, giving me a small peck on the lips.

"You're delicious", he told me before taking the hem of my dress and removing it from me.

"Bet you're even better", I whispered as I locked our lips once again, while changing our positions by sitting him down.

I continued to kiss him, standing on the floor and bent over, trying to unbutton his shirt as fast as I could. When I finally reached the last button, I quickly slid the shirt off of his body. I unintentionally gazed at his tattoos- which covered his chest and arm. I kissed him right in the middle of his chest, where lipstick stained lips were tatted. I left my own stain right on top of it and made traces underneath it, leading to the hem of his pants. I swiftly undid them and took them off, alongside his boxers.

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