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"I just wanna taste it"

Harry Styles - Watermelon Sugar


"Interrupt us when I touch his shoulder."

I nodded with my eyebrows furrowed, he seemed oddly confident, as though he had done this before. The thought of him doing this with another girl gave me a bad feeling, so I pushed those thoughts away and buried them.

I observed intently as Harry approached the boy, who was drying his face with a towel, freshly out of his concert. He began a conversation by saying something nice, I couldn't see Harry's face, but I could see the warm smile on Shawn's lips while he thanked him.

I took a sip from the sour beer and observed it.

"Hey", I heard a male voice approach me from behind, I turned around and it was a decent-looking guy, but he would distract me from my quest.

"No", I quickly turned around again, hoping I didn't miss anything.

I had difficulties when looking at them again, as the lights dimmed severely because of the next act being welcomed at the stage. A soft beat filled my ears and an indie-sounding female voice followed it. To get a better look, I took a few steps closer to Harry while making sure I was unseen by both of them. Harry and Shawn were talking very closely now, my bet was that Harry used the loud music as an excuse to whisper in his ear. It worked, because Shawn was doing the same. I could barely see his face through Harry's curls, but I could tell that he was smiling.

Shawn was wearing all black, so it was easy to see Harry's hand touch his shoulder. That was my queue. At this point, he was already drinking from the beer that Harry brought him, but I thought of maybe bringing him a little something as well. I asked the bartender to pour three shots of his cheapest whiskey and to put it on Harry's tab -- because let's face it, I'm a broke bitch.

When the shots came, I took a final gulp at my beer and struggled to balance three little cups in my hand, but I made my way to them slowly but surely.

"Sorry for taking so long", I spoke very loud as I interrupted them, to make sure they would hear me through the music. They were actually standing closer than I thought. Harry's flirting game was strong, quite the opposite of mine. "I got held back-- Hello! D'you want a shot?" I looked at Shawn, him and Harry turning to me.

"Yeah, sure", he gave me the sweetest, brightest and whitest smile I've ever seen.

"You're Shawn, right?" I pointed to the poster beside the stage, where the names of the performers were written. He nodded as I gave him one of the shots, and then handed the other one to Harry. "You're very talented. I loved that last song you played."

"Harry was just telling me that his girlfriend got emotional when she heard it", Shawn pointed at the long-haired fella next to him. I liked the way that sounded.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm being rude. Shawn, this is Valerie-- my girlfriend", it was time for Harry to touch my shoulder, and my turn to smile brightly as I shook Shawn's hand.

"So, shall we?" I raised my eyebrows and my little cup. Harry tinkled his with mine, Shawn followed him and the three of us gulped as fast as we could.

"This is shite", Harry commented about the shot, with a slight furrow in his brows.

"Well, I did ask for the cheapest."

"I'll return these", Harry took the cups from our hand and winked at me as he walked out of our little circle.

My blood pressure dropped in panic -- I had nothing to say to this boy.

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