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Scarlet's pov.

"You make a grown man cry."

The Rolling Stones - Start me up


It all started a few days later. I had been doing a lot of mental exercises to just remember something, but nothing ever came.

Until I was in the shower, washing my hair at night after a hard day at work while listening to a calming tune by Pink Floyd. I was thinking about the last thing I remembered of that night, which was Harry telling me he had given me ecstasy, then I lied down to let it kick in. I couldn't remember how it all started, the part I was the most eager to know about. It's usually the anticipation that builds it all up, if the situation that led you up to it wasn't anything less than awesome, then it has no chances of being the best experiences of your life.

It was dark, the room was different, as if I knew everything that was in there. There wasn't a speck of dust under the bed that I wasn't aware of. My body felt different as well, my perception of everything had changed, including touch.

The scene that suddenly flashed into my mind had a special taste to it. It was salty, a mix of pre-cüm and sweat. It was Zayn, Zayn all over me, inside of my mouth and throat. His red, throbbing tip begging to be licked, my mouth begging to be fucked. I was bent over him, with my ass in the air and my legs opened wide. Harry was behind me, sucking on me, licking all my holes now that he knew that I liked it. He fucked me with his fingers, I could feel his rings going past my entrance and I almost hoped that they got lost inside me, just so he went there to find. It was all sweaty and dirty; and it felt amazing.

I moaned out loud at the memory, smiling at my small victory.

I had never taken ecstasy before, so it was all new to me. And weird. The feelings the drug gave me were not all good, though. In the days that followed, I felt an involuntary jaw clenching at night; it was nerve-racking, really. Not having control of a part of your body. But it went away before I broke my own tooth.

I went to my room and after getting ready to bed, I decided to drink some water.

As I was pouring myself the drink, Lara showed up at the living room and noticing my presence, she stood on the other side of the counter, staring at me.

"What?" I asked her, knowing she never acted like this around home.

"Are you okay?" Her eyebrows were confusing and her eyes, worried.

"Yes, are you?" I replied.

"Are you sure? It's snowing outside and... You're sweating", she said.

"I'm not-", I instinctively brought the back of my hand to my forehead and wiped my temples. When I looked at my hand, it was indeed moist. "What the Hell?"

"What are you feeling?"

"I'm not feeling anything, really", I shrugged, then quickly drank the glass of water so I wouldn't dehydrate.

"What have you been taking?" She stood there, worried and almost threatening. I'd be scared of her if she wasn't so tiny.

"Nothing", I shrugged again. "Just a little bit of ecstasy a few days ago."

"Man, that shít fucks me up on so many levels, even when I'm not on it I'm affected by it", she said in a negative way. "That's what's happening to you, I guess that's kind of normal. Let me know if you feel like passing out."

"Oh, I'm passing out right now", I said, referring to the night of sleep ahead of me. "G'night."

I lazily turned off the lights of my room and tucked myself in, comfortably getting underneath of my sheets. I took a deep breath, quickly regretting the decision of washing my hair. Now I had to sleep on a damp pillow and my hair would wake up looking like shit.

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