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Scarlet's pov.

"You can trust I never felt like I feel it now."

Colbie Caillat - I do


The whole wedding was so beautiful, so captivating, I really hope his mother is in love with that man. I even shed a little tear by the end, when they said their I do's and shared a kiss. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Harry most of the time, though. He looked gorgeous and also very bored. He was looking straight to his mother the whole time, with a serious look in his face that I couldn't decipher.

When the ceremony ended and the bride and the groom left, me and Zayn waited in the longest line I've ever seen to compliment the couple. I was curious, wondering how she would be, if she would be nice or just stuck up like every single person here. She seemed to be giving everyone special attention, maybe why it took so long for our turn, it was even night time when I was finally in front of her.

When I looked at her in the eyes, it was like staring directly into Harry's. They were so similar it even scared me a little. She also had a bright smile and cheeks that had too much blush on them. The man was also showing a big smile, with a perfectly shaved jawline and blue eyes. He was polished, polite, reminded me of George Clooney.

"Zayn!" She greeted him with a warm hug.

"Hi, Anne", he responded. "Congratulations on the beautiful wedding, all the happiness in the world to you two."

"Thank you, son", the man said.

"Zayn has been Harry's best friend ever since college", Anne explained to her husband. "It wouldn't be a party without you."

"Thanks, Anne. Nice to meet you, sir", Zayn shook the man's hand as I stood there smiling awkwardly.

"And who is this beautiful young lady?" The man looked at me and touched my shoulder.

"This is my girlfriend, Scarlet", Zayn finally introduced me.

"Hello, nice to meet you", I shook the man's hand and gave Anne one kiss on the cheek. I was nervous, my heart was beating furiously against my chest. "Congratulations, this really is beautiful. All the love to the couple."

"Thank you, honey", she smiled. "Go look inside, we're going to have dinner soon."

"Okay, thank you", Zayn said as he took my hand and waved the couple goodbye, I did the same and followed behind him.

We went around the ceremony and entered the house through the front door. It was even better than the ceremony.

It had beautiful golden chandeliers, with paintings on the ceiling and fake trees on the sides, decorated with fake snow. On each round table there was a white tree branch to decorate, and they were all organised so there was a gap on the middle for the dance floor. Each table had a name on the seat and it seemed to be decorated with the same fur as the aisle, placed on top of the table until it beautifully cascaded on the floor. The seats seemed crystal clear and further on the house were a stage where the band would play. They were organising their instruments, the staff was helping everyone find their seats, everything looked good. Except Harry was nowhere to be seen.

He couldn't have left, this wasn't happening. I need to talk to him.

A girl helped me and Zayn find our seats, we sat down and immediately a waiter came in for us to order drinks. Zayn had a bourbon and I decided to just go with Coke. This whole wedding consisted in a lot of waiting to get things done, I didn't like that.

An older lady sat next to me tried to make conversation by complaining about the organisation of the event.

"Well, everything looks gorgeous, it's worth the wait", I responded politely.

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