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"The boys and the girls are in, I mess around with them and I'm okay with it."

Harry Styles - Medicine

I was alone with my thoughts in the shower, reflecting over how long my thick hair would take to dry, slowly deciding that I was tired of that long haired life. It was consuming a lot of time and effort from me, so I wanted to just get rid of it. 

As soon as I got out, with a towel around my body and my head, I heard the front door open and I recognised it was Harry before he even opened it. He just has his own particular way of... Opening doors? It's weird how when you start seeing someone everyday, you can recognise that it's them walking just by the sounds they make while doing so.

"Hey!" Harry greeted as he walked in, seeming unusually cheerful. He had a big bag in his hand and he immediately threw it on the floor.

"Hi?" I was puzzled.

"Pack your bags, woman! We're moving out", he said, oblivious of the fact that no one does these things.

"Uh- Excuse me?" I carried on drying my hair with the towel.

"You look gorgeous, by the way."

"Thank you, that's oddly sweet", I furrowed my brows and walked away, entering his room to do what I was told. "Why are we moving and why are you so happy? That's weird. Stop it."

"We're moving to my house, my actual house, because I..." He paused, building up the suspense.

"I swear to God."

"I... Broke up with Angelica!" He opened his arms and revealed the happiest of smiles, I figured he was expecting a hug as he was walking towards me.

I slowly nestled in his chest and gave in to his warm embrace, letting my guard down and my bad mood leaving me. "Wasn't her name Angelina?"

"Whatever baby, we don't have to worry about that anymore", he caressed my naked and wet back.

"You're really in a good mood", I furrowed my brows again and probably will continue to do so each time he calls me adorable names.

Considering our past, how we met and how he used to hate me, I guess we turned out alright. It was hard for me to remember how we used to be, though. I knew that in our first encounter he was eager to end my life without showing any signs of emotion, then proceeded to try a few times later. That notion was now foreign to me, I knew that Harry wouldn't be able to hurt me even if he absolutely had to.

I'm glad with how we turned out. He became a man that respects me, shows honesty and true love, but also true pain when he feels such. I could see that he was hurt when he had to tell me about the wedding and break up whatever we had. Now he seems like he's hitting Nirvana because we can finally be together without hiding, without the guilt. I appreciated that so much, the weight that had been lifted off our shoulders was liberating.

"So, I have you all for myself now?" I said jokingly, but not really. Even though it was wrong to be possessive like this, I couldn't avoid it. I'll work on it later.

He slapped my ass. "Yep."

I packed my bags, being cautious not to forget anything. Harry packed his clothes as well, he had almost just as much as me. I got dressed with simple denim jeans and a black shirt with sneakers. He was wearing the go-to black jeans, a white shirt underneath his grey hoodie and a pair of Vans, which was odd to me, I don't think I've ever seen him wearing sneakers. I liked the look.

The both of us entered his groovy white car and took the twenty minute ride to his so-called house. But it wasn't just a house, it was a freaking mansion. That palace seemed way smaller in my memory.

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