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Harry's pov.

"When you call me baby, I know I'm not the only one."

Sam Smith — I'm Not The Only One


Jean had led me to the room where the bridesmaids did their make up and hair and by this point, every single eyeshadow was on the floor, being replaced by her tiny body that I was rocking back and forth. Her panties to the side, my trousers loosely hanging around my knees, the woman was arching her back in pleasure with her long fingernails buried on the nape of my neck. My thrusts were so deep my balls clapped against her ass, the pleasure taking over my thighs and stomach, slowly making its way through my entire body. I ran my thumb over her clit, going around her pleasure spot quicker each time until my wrist was hurting and she was shaking her legs in pleasure, moaning as loud as she could whilst reaching her top. I let myself release inside of her, feeling my own climax take over me as I moaned in relief.

My forehead rested on her nude shoulder, I removed myself from inside of her slowly and we both trembled for a second, being sensitive in that area.

"You go first", I lifted my trousers and boxers back to my waist and turned my back to her, looking for the bathroom in that gigantic room. When I spotted it, I entered it expecting not to see her when I come out.

I threw the used condom on the trash, not bothering to knot it. I washed my face that was covered with slight make up and fixed my hair, making my way back to the party.


"Where the hell were you? I didn't see you the whole party." A frowned Angelina asked me when we were on our limo heading back to our house. Or better, my limo, my house.

"Mostly with Zayn", I told her, looking straight and not expressing any emotions. That's the secret of cheating: you can't show emotions.

"Well, I wish we partied together", she grabbed my arm and rested her head on my shoulder. I coughed, burying my body even more on the leather seat. I was tired, it was almost dawn; my tired eyelids let themselves close and my head was now resting on her blonde hair.


I woke up the next day to the loud annoying sound of my alarm, I didn't think much, I just reached out to make it stop and came back to the position I was before. That's when I felt a strange, yet too familiar, presence too close to me. It was her. And we were cuddling.

When did that happen?

How much did I drink last night?

Her voluptuous body shuffled, making her thick blonde hair scratch my face; I hated that more than anything in the world. But today I didn't mind, 'cause she was smelling nice.

That moment all the memories came back like a flash, my speech, the drinking, the woman... And for a moment my chest was in pain. Not the usual type of pain, where I could feel it in the flesh; but a type of pain that felt like it could never go away, that belongs to me and myself only.

"Harry?" She turned around to face me, resting her hand on my chest, face still swollen from the night of sleep. I smiled for a second and she did the same; those eyes so blue and so piercing looking at me.

"Good morning." My voice cracked, the back of my throat hurting.

"Harry?" She took a deep breath, touching the tip of her nose on my neck. Her smile fading away in the blink of an eye.


"What is that skank scent on you?"

The devil was back, the pain on my chest running away from it. The guilt I felt before no longer existed.

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