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Harry's pov.

"And there's no remedy for memory, your face is like a melody; it won't leave my head."

Lana Del Rey - Dark Paradise


"With all due respect, sir, I think you should be worrying about the Mexican cartel right now, they've been on our backs for a while", the white piece of shit of employee said to me, with a certain insecurity to his voice. An employee thinking they could teach me how to run my own business was always enough to set me off.

"Well I think-", I started, elevating my voice little by little and raising from my seat with every word. "You should shut the fuck up and do as I say before you get to be the next on my to-kill list!"

"A-a-alright sir", he stuttered, shaking from head to toe. "What is the name?"


"Scarlet what?"

"I don't know. Find out. She works at The Gentlemen as a pole dancer", I told him as I adjusted my coat in my torso and calmly sat down again. "Here's her address. Don't do anything stupid." I gave him the small piece of paper with the tip of my fingers.

"Sir, is that a fake name?"

"Yes", I answered, secretly insecure about this. I knew he couldn't do much with just a fake first name.

"Uh-", he furrowed his brows. "You know I won't be able to pull her whole file with that, right?"

"Do whatever it takes."

"I can beat information out of her."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Don't be stupid, Gabriel. You're not beating up a girl. Get the fuck out of here, I want that file by the end of the day."

I had business on my second office today and I needed to get things straight, I've been postponing it for too long now.

I am a smart man, I will not make the same mistake twice.

Scarlet knows too much. I won't let her become an 'Angelina' in my life, so it's better to get this over with while I can. I knew her as my friend, not as my enemy. After what I've done, she probably hates me and I don't know what she could do with the information she has.

I strolled through papers, international trouble filling my desk, things I didn't have the mind to think of a solution.

I had the Italian cartel on my back for years, they were after me for taking over their dealing territory. Now I've been trying to infiltrate my product into North America as well, but thankfully the Mexican leader has the brain of a mice. I know who he is, he doesn't know who I am. He's chasing a ghost, and that's what will make my triumph.

In order for my product to get there with no damage, I had private planes shipping the Styles' brand and the drugs hidden right under the carpet. Well, not literally.

But I couldn't focus. I was pacing around my second office the whole day, unable to be entertained.

I should be thinking about how I would do this.

Would I go into her apartment and- do it right there? Would I bring her here? How would I allure her into coming with me? And once I did... How would I look at her in the eyes and watch her die?

I took a deep breath when I heard a soft knock on my door and cleared my throat. It was Gabriel, holding an envelope.

"This was the best I could do on such short notice, sir", he carefully placed the paper on my desk. My eyes didn't leave it for one second.

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