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"Say you're mine, I'm yours for the night."

The Weeknd - Party Monster


The world has never lived at peace, not truly. Since the beginning of times, we have fought against one another. It's human nature. Two thousand and seventeen years after Christ, you'd think that it would be enough for us to learn from our past. I have now come to terms with the fact that I wouldn't make a difference nor change the world, since it is a place filled with people and, consequently, violence. Instead, I embrace it. I embrace my human nature, I embrace the violent side of me that I've tried to avoid my whole life. The sun will never shine upon a world at peace, but I'm okay with that.

I woke up from a dreamless sleep with a content feeling in my gut that everything that happened was just a dream. It didn't last for long. My brain yanked me to the ugly reality before I could start to enjoy that state of mind. With an everlasting headache, I lingered on the bed awaken for another hour before I gathered the will to stand on my feet and get something to eat. I opened the curtains and it was already nighttime.

When I got into the kitchen and began my quest for food, I heard something fidgeting behind the front door, as though somebody was attempting to open it. My body and soul froze, being taken straight back to the last memory I had in Harry's apartment. My survival instinct made me grab the biggest knife I could find that fast and hide behind the unopened door.

My entire body was incredibly tense, but I was still thinking alongside logic. When the person opened the door, I silently stood behind it, ready to attack. I listened to their every move intently, they were clumsy and had a hard time moving whatever was in their hands - it sounded weird, like paper bags. Finally, the door closed and I made my jump for it, only to be surprised by Harry, that didn't seem phased at all by someone jumping at him with a knife.

"Next time you try to kill me, check the mirrors", he pointed to the other side of the room, where the wall opposite of the front door was made mostly out of a big mirror. He knew I was there the whole time and didn't give me a heads up. But I was happy to breathe out in relief, to be safe again. "And help me with the groceries."

"I could've killed you. You almost killed me", I complained.

"I doubt that", he said with no humour in his voice.

I helped him take the bags to the kitchen counter and took a peek at what he had bought. It was food and some cleaning products, weirdly organised in those bags. Tomato sauce with detergents, for example. I was eager to eat, so I didn't comment on it.

We took the things out and put it wherever it seemed fitting, I tried to make small talk, but Harry wouldn't answer me in an inviting way. I could sense that this conversation wouldn't end well by the look on his face - or maybe lack of it, as he glued his gaze to the ground with a strong scowl. That was just a gift I've had for a while now, knowing Harry. I could sense his emotions, whenever he was about to burst, like a dog senses a storm. It didn't seem personal this time, maybe he had a hard working day. Boy, was I wrong.

"You had no right to do that to Zayn without consulting me", he seemed to vomit whatever he was thinking in a strong impulse. As though this was bothering him for a long time, but only now he had the opportunity to say it.

"What are you talking about?" I frowned, pretending to know nothing of that matter.

"Valerie, for the love of God, don't play dumb", he rubbed his temples. "You ruined a friendship that I cared about for a stupid vendetta."

"I'm a Scorpio", I shrugged casually.

"No, you're not."

"I am by heart", I joked, but he wouldn't even crack a smile. He was pissed. "It wasn't stupid. And if you cared so much about that friendship, you wouldn't be screwing me behind his back."

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