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Scarlet's pov.

"Blow a kiss, take it back if I look inside your brain."

One Direction — I want


I swore to myself I'd never drink again after that night. I felt like garbage in every single way- physically and mentally.

All I could think about was... What was I thinking? I was so ashamed of myself I could barely look in the mirror.

The worst part was that I had to look at others too instead of burying my head under the ground.

"I need you tomorrow for a new routine", I heard my boss say to the girls in general when we were getting our stuff to leave. "So get here earlier."

He thankfully took off after that and I followed him right after, opening my juice box and swinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Scarlet", his annoying voice called me after I passed him. I slowly turned around and tried not to show any type of annoyance. "I want you here specially earlier."

He got closer to me. His disgusting hand touched my waist and I flinched at his touch.

"What for?" I took a step back, his hand fell loosely to the side of his body. He smirked, a few golden teeth on display.

"Because you're my special girl", he whispered. "Y'know I love you, right?"

"I know."

"Then come here", he took a step further and I took one back again. He furrowed his brows. "Why you playin' hard?"

"Sorry, I have to leave", I turned on my heels and started to cross the empty street.

"Be early!" He yelled.

The fuck I will.

I always dreaded Lara's day off, because I knew I'd be alone when I leave the club and it usually ends up like that. Which is why I thought the knife was necessary.

In about twenty minutes I was already at my door.

I swiftly took the keys of my apartment and twisted the doorknob. Lara was sitting on the sofa watching TV beside a... Cactus?

"Who's your friend?" I asked her.

"It's a cactus", she replied with eyes glued on the TV. Too bad she couldn't see how hard I rolled my eyes, but she heard my grunt. "That's actually for you, somebody dropped it off today."

"Really?" My expression dropped, with a crazy idea on my mind. Could it be? It couldn't be. "Who?"

"I don't know, he was bald and fat", she nonchalantly changed the channel. "There's a note."

I carefully and slowly walked to the couch, like it was a scared cat ready to run away. "You bloody scared of it?" Lara laughed at me.


I took the folded piece of paper taped on the vase, recognising the handwriting.

"Have fun with your badass flower, x."

Oh shit.

I grabbed the flower, carefully taking it to my room. It was actually a very cute cactus. And it was very... Sweet of him to do that.

Maybe my heart should stop pounding now, it would be less embarrassing.

I ended up placing it on the floor, where basically everything else in my room was placed.

I couldn't really sleep, so I drew on a sketchbook. I surprised myself when my hands started writing beautiful words too.


A few days later, I had no idea how to talk or look at Zayn. Even though he hadn't called to see if I wasn't dead after eight tequila shots, I knew he'd show up eventually. I really didn't want to see his face.

Until he showed up at my door and my heart dropped.

"Hey..." I said, with a faint smile on my lips.

"Hi there. How've you been?" He greeted me with a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm alright. Never drinking again, but alright", I chuckled awkwardly. I jumped as I realized we were standing by the door and I hadn't invited him in. I didn't want to.

But I took a step back so he could get inside.

"So this is where you live", he looked around, no enthusiasm on his voice.

"Yeah, it's humble."

"No, no, it's nice", he didn't convince me. I got a little self-conscious over that, I didn't want him inside of my home judging me by how poor I was.

I stood in silence, waiting for him to say something.

"Are you okay, really?" He furrowed his brows.

Yes, I just really can't deal with you right now.

"I'm fine. Can I get you anything to drink?" I tried to be polite, rushing to the kitchen.

"No, I'm good. I'm just here to see if you were fine", he tucked his hands into his pockets.

"Well, I am..."

"Okay. I guess I'll go now then."

"You sure you don't want to stay?" Don't stay.

"I have to work, so..." He trailed off and took slow steps to the door. "Bye."


He opened the door for himself and left. I exhaled deeply and closed my eyes in relief.

That was painful.


A tiny early update just to let you know that I decided to post my new story. It's called François, it's daddy, it's nice. It's also in my profile if you want to check it out!


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