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Valerie's pov.

"I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said: 'Run as fast as you can'."

Taylor Swift - Dear John


I guess a part of me wanted Harry to be the perfect man, the prince that comes riding on a horse to meet me as the sun sets, telling me I'm the only one he wants, that he'll throw everything away just to have another moment with me. Sadly, I knew he wasn't that type of man. He'd never sacrifice anything to be with me - and that's okay. I've accepted that.

Now that I know that we'll never be together, I'm ready to move on with my life.

I just needed to do one small thing before I get rid of not only Harry, but Zayn as well.

I've thought about Harry's birthday party several times a day since he invited me, eager for Zayn to invite me too, wondering which words would he choose to invite me to the party of the man he's terribly - and so obviously - jealous of.

Zayn came to my house just hours before the party, all dolled up with his dark hair combed back perfectly, leaving his trade mark to another occasion. He had a casual, yet elegant outfit on, one that I didn't bother to spend much time noticing. I let the boy in and turned on my heels to get him something from the kitchen.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked him nonchalantly. He hasn't said anything about the party at this point.

"Yeah, uh-", he looked around. "I've got this thing..."

I looked at him with half closed eyes, understanding his intentions perfectly. Zayn had decided to invite me on the last minute so I wouldn't have time to ask for a day off and much less get ready on such short notice. And if I wasn't aware of the party, I certainly wouldn't come. He didn't want me to come.

"It's Harry's birthday party", he cleared his throat and finally looked at me. "Do you feel like coming?"

"Yeah, sure", I shrugged. "I'll ask if Lara can cover for me today."

I gave him a warm smile and poured him a glass of water, leaving the living room and entering Lara's bedroom. She wasn't there. She was already covering for me.

I took some time to look myself in the mirror, messing with my hair. I decided to straighten it for the party, spending almost the whole afternoon on my long and difficult to reach locks. It looked very different from my normal self, wasn't sure if I liked it.

"Lara said she'll do it!" I came back a few minutes later after fidgeting through her make up drawer and taken whatever I felt like. "I'll go get ready", I pretended to not notice Zayn's slight disappointment.

"Be quick though, the party's at eight."

"Sure thing, baby", I managed to say without throwing up in my mouth.

I entered my room and quickly put on the dress I had chosen for the evening. I did my make up fairly quick, since I was used to doing it every night, and that was all I needed to do, since I had already showered and done my hair.

I left my room with a black tight dress that showed really well my slim figure and had a big cleavage that ended on my lower back. I wore black heels and a discrete black purse to match my soul.

"You look sexy", Zayn grabbed my waist and kissed my lips. I could feel how much he thought I was sexy through that kiss. "I like your hair, you should wear it like this more often."

"Thank you", I touched my locks. "Yeah, maybe I will."

No, I won't.

How presumptuous of him to think that I would change my entire style just to please his díck.

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