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Scarlet's pov.

"Baby look what you've done now."

One Direction — Stockholm Syndrome


The next day, I couldn't help myself. I felt guilty.

I spent the whole afternoon martyring myself for the terrible things I did. I never should've used Zayn like that, he was too good. And because he is good, he called me a few days later to ask me if I wanted to hang out with him and his friends. I don't know why, but I accepted. I let him be good to me.

I prepared myself to the fact that Harry would probably be there, for that reason I spent too much time in front of the mirror than I should have. Or maybe it was just the wrong reason to be sitting there- maybe I had to be there making myself pretty for Zayn, or just for myself. I'm a mess.

"That's not nice. Something's missing", Lara voiced her opinion over the current outfit I was wearing, which was just a simple dark blue dress that was a little loose around my body. It had no sleeves, so I thought of covering myself with a cardigan to keep myself warm. "You look absolutely flat in those, looks like you have no curves."

"I have no curves."

"Your shoulders look like curves to me", she furrowed her brows like she was actually looking for curls. "Your hair's pretty curly too."

"Shut up", I rolled my eyes and giggled with her. "Would a belt help?"


"Well, I only have one belt on my wardrobe and there is absolutely no chance of me wearing it", I stared at the opened doors of my closet, where my clothes were all messily hanged. I didn't even know where that belt was hidden there. "Do you have any?"

Thankfully, she had. Maybe it wasn't a wise idea to pick my clothes at the last minute, it only got me later than I should have- I caught the early shift today, leaving at midnight so I could go out with Zayn.

I was grabbing the red purse Lara lent me- to match the thin belt- when I got a text.

Jesus Zayn: You ready yet, love?

Scarlet: Yes, why?

Jesus Zayn: I'm waiting for you outside.


I quickly made my way downstairs, where he waited for me right where he was a few nights before, leaning against his car, looking at the road with his arms crossed and covered by a leather jacket. He looked like the bad boys we see in the movies, until he laid eyes on me and they sparkled, giving me a content grin.

"Hi there", I spoke first, coming closer to him and daring to kiss his bottom lip, hoping it wasn't too soon. He didn't seem to mind. "Sorry for making you wait for so long."

"Don't worry about it", he squeezed my waist as a small consolation and leaded me to the inside of his car. "Fasten your seatbelts!" He joked.

I gave him a shy toothless smile. Why couldn't I think he was funny?

"So where are we going?" I cared to ask as I realized he never told me.

"Just to a club, y'know, have a good time. Mingle", he looked at me with the corner of his eyes and smirked, starting the car and heading to that club.

I was listening to the quiet radio, repeating the lyrics on my mind, too shy to sing along when Zayn broke my thoughts with a cautious question.

"You know, Scar, the other day at the dinner I overheard you say something about your name. I'm sorry if I'm being too intrusive, but is Scarlet your real name?"

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