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Harry's pov

"She can't resist the temptation to sin, so pull your collar up before she sinks her teeth in."

McFly — Party Girl


I don't. I really don't hate her. She just has the inhuman ability to bother me. Why would I hate her? She looks so sexy tonight, how could I hate something so beautiful?

But I still don't know what the fuck she's doing here, catching me by surprise and making me look like a fool; which is unacceptable.

I marched heavy steps towards Zayn, whom was talking to Seth in a random corner, laughing like an idiot.

"Zayn", I managed to not show how angry I was. "Why is there a stripper here? As a formal guest?"

"She's not a stripper, Harry. I mean, she is. But that's not all she is so try not to reduce her to it", there he was trying to teach me life lessons.

"What-fucking-ever, Zayn", I rolled my eyes so hard it hurt.

"She's the one that kissed me the other day!" Zayn said, too excited.

I don't know why, but after that sentence I felt a wave of anger coming towards Zayn and I felt like I could punch the life out of him right then and there.

"You- She-", make a sentence. "You kissed her?"

"Well, she kissed me. But still awesome, right?" He laughed, not sensing my irritation.

I nodded to him with an empty expression on my face. 

I can't believe this loser beat me. It's ridiculous, I have so much more game than him.

I don't understand. I had to go away before I punched Zayn for no reason at all. I just walked around with no destination until little blondie called for me and just intertwined our hands.

"You know, that woman earlier, she was eating you up with her eyes", Angelina said softly against my ear, not catching any attention from outsiders to her jealousy.

"I'd eat her up with my tongue", I didn't bother to speak low.

"Harry!" She slapped my arm and scowled at me, making me laugh.

"Relax, I'm kidding."

I've never been so serious.

Scarlet's pov.

I found myself in the library, tears still finding their way to my cheeks, smoking my sadness away.

For a week now I've been feeling an ache in my throat, the urge to do drugs. But I found comfort in just lighting a scented candle and letting every betraying thought of mine vanish by doing something productive that'd catch my attention for a few hours. But this time, there was nothing I could do.

The people there were so cool and relaxed, they weren't alarmed or bothered that I was crying whilst sharing a joint with them.

"Just fuck it, y'know", a blue eyed fella said to me, handing me the smokable happiness. He had brown hair, perfectly combed back into a forelock.

I held it between my lips and took a deep inhale, feeling a good scratch on my throat and the taste of the weed drying my lips. All the muscles were falling into a deep relaxation state as I held the smoke as long as I could in my lungs for the billionth time that night.

"Really, fuck it", I repeated what the boy said as I cleared my face from tears. "I can't explain how many fucks I don't give right now."

"That's what I'm talking about!" The boy shouted, giving me a lazy hug. "I wonder when will my baby return from war", he told me with a sad look on his face.

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