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Scarlet's pov.

"If it's not forever, if it's just tonight, it's still the greatest."

Kings Of Leon — Sëx On Fire


The sound of silence punched my ears. Everything was silent for a long time- except for Harry's sigh now and then. I'd wait for him to say something, but right now he seems so deep inside of his mind, I felt like he forgot I was even there.

He looked bothered, I wanted to distract him from his ghosts. Make him forget just for a second.

"The Rolling Stones are coming to town", I tried to make conversation.

"The Stones are from town", he boredly corrected me.

"I know, but they're like- playing here", I tried one more time.

"They always play here", he did it again.

"Are you going to be a dickhead the whole night now?"

"Alright", he rolled his eyes. "I'm going to the show."

And that's how a whole conversation about The Beatles versus The Rolling Stones started. He obviously knew them way better than I did, but I still had my opinions. And I went for The Beatles, always. He had those concrete arguments about how The Rollings Stones are way better, and boy did he get carried away.

It was countless the subjects we went over- and when we agreed on something, we'd change it, because it was no fun. The bottle was long gone and we shared my pack of cigarettes; and when that was finished too, he shared his.

"Do you think your friend is done fücking now?" Harry asked as he rolled one of his sleeve and took a quick glimpse at his watch. It was five something in the morning. Five. In the morning.

"Don't know, but at least she's getting some", I rolled my eyes in annoyance, not realizing what I had said.

"It's not like you're not having any either", he said, with a teasing tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I furrowed my brows at him.

"You and Zayn", he stopped, thinking it would be enough, but my stare didn't change. "Aren't you like boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Harry continued with scorn.

"No. I couldn't care less about what or who he does", I rolled my eyes and I looked away from him. But this conversation was interesting, Harry seemed to care.

"Funny", he sniggered sarcastically. "You were all over each other the other day."

"Is the fact that he's way ahead of you bothering?" I began to notice him, how he responded to my words. Right now, his nostrils were flared, his eyes were dark and as usual, I had no idea what it meant. "Is Harry Styles jealous?" I leaned over to tease him, but I got no response.

"Don't be a fool, Scarlet", every ounce of feeling he seemed to have before has now vanished. "He acts like he cares about you just to fuck you. At least I don't pretend."

His careless words irritated me and the way he said it- like he was bored and it was the most obvious thing. Of course, who would actually care about you, Scarlet?

"Shut up", I spat, trying to make him stop before he ruined the night.

"Is he paying you?" He didn't tease me. Harry had curiosity in his voice when he leaned over, waiting for an answer- he was being serious. "You can tell me."

It was too late, he ruined it. I couldn't believe how much disregard he had towards me, it was like he never thought of what the effects of his words would be before he spoke them.

"You fücking díck!" I could've spat on him like he was a piece of garbage, but instead I swung my fist into his face as hard as I could. I punched him. I punched him. I saw his hair move to his face, he didn't make a sound.

I freaked out for a quick second, but before he could look at me again, I got up and marched my way outside of the bridge on quick steps.

"Don't fücking follow me, you fücking-", I yelled as I heard slow footsteps away from me.

I turned my head and he was walking slowly, with his hands on his pockets, an empty look on his face.

My knuckles hurt.

"What kind of person-" I mumbled to the air.

I turned the corner of the bridge, spotting his white shiny car in the distance. I had to deal with the fact that I wouldn't have a ride today.

As usual, I had so many things to say, but didn't have the guts to. I felt like this whirl of rage would suffocate me if I didn't speak. I had to say something, I couldn't wait until the next time I see him like I did before.

I turned around, my cheeks burning in rage. I knew he'd be behind me- and he was, taking bored steps towards me.

"You're just pissed because he's way more of a gentleman than you'll ever be!" I pointed at him, walking the short way that separated us, to sink my finger onto his chest. "Whether you like it or not, he's winning."

"Please, Scarlet. Don't lie to yourself", he chuckled. I was annoyed at his lack of emotions.

He took his hands out of his pockets, slowly hovering me and touching my jaw with his fingertips.

"You don't look at him the same way you look at me", his warm breath tinkled my nose. "You don't talk to him the way you talk to me", he took a strand of my hair and placed it behind my ear. "You probably don't kiss him the way you kiss me, and I can guarantee you, he will never fück you the way I can", his gaze never left the depth of mine

Harry let his eyes shut, I felt my eyelids heavier and my chin was going forward- he had his index finger underneath it, pulling me to his soft and slightly sour lips. I told myself to fight back, I even tried to push him away, but he was too compelling. He grabbed my wrists tight and put them behind his neck. I gave in so easy it was even shameful.

His big hands held my waist tightly, his lips roughly brushed against mine and his tongue- oh, his tongue. As soon as it peeked its way through my mouth, it seduced me into doing whatever he wanted me to.

Harry turned me around and pressed my back into a random car parked next to us, brushing his hips against mine and his bulge made me tingle. I cupped his jaw, feeling it drop at every movement he made inside of my lips.

"I'm gonna make you pay for that punch", he whispered, with his hand sliding to the back of my knee, lifting my leg up to his hips. I felt myself instantly damp at his stern words. I would punch him a thousand times just so I could pay for it.

His long fingers pulled my hair back so he could sink his lips onto my neck, under my jawline. His tongue made cold wet spots on my skin, making goosebumps crawl up my spine. My fingernails digged onto his shoulder and I bit my lower lip to contain a soft moan. Both of Harry's palms traveled to my arse, squeezing in tightly and pulling me up. I held his hips with my legs and made sure every inch of our bodies were touching, with my jeans rubbing against his, I felt a growing bulge underneath his tight fabric.

I placed his lower lip between my teeth and sucked on it, bit on it, made it red and swollen just for me. He made sure he did the same with mine before he held my neck, right underneath my jawline and made a light pressure to it.

"Let's go to my car", he demanded, his other hand leaving my bum and my feet met the floor once more. As I turned around to go where we needed, I saw him bite his lower lip and felt a slap on my behind, making it bounce.

I held a laugh and crossed the street, taking a few steps until I met his car, knowing he'd be right behind me. The door was unlocked and I opened it, swiftly sliding my body through the back seat, occupying it with my legs and half of my torso, the other half supported by the closed door. I waited for Harry to remove his big striped coat and throw it in the front seat and finally join me, placing himself on top of me and locking our lips together once more as he closed the door with his foot.

My legs were on each side of him when he pulled the hem of my sweater and yanked it off of me, breaking our kiss for that brief moment. His curls were falling on my cheeks, occasionally getting in the middle of us, but I'd just brush them off with my fingers and cup his jaw.

His palm squeezed my breast tightly on top of my bra, I exhaled at his rough touch and I wanted to touch him also. I wanted to feel him in my hands, my mouth, my core. But when I went to touch him, his hand grabbed my wrist.

"Not yet", his husky voice filled my ears.

I moaned in disapproval.

I wanted to see him bare for me so bad.

But he was in control, he was the one who decided how this would happen. I just followed his lead.

He unhooked my bra and removed it from me, glancing at my breasts for a brief moment before he bit my neck, making slow paths of torturous bites until he met my nib. He rolled his tongue around it, sucking on me and using his teeth as he pulled, cupping my free breast. I hummed in satisfaction and caressed his hair- something I was dying to do since the beginning of the night. He gave my other breast some attention, biting on it harder than expected, making me grunt in surprise; but still loving it.

He didn't stop, he went further down and bit my rib and in response, I pulled hard on his hair, but that only encouraged him more. He continued, biting and pulling the skin underneath my navel. Looking down, I saw all the biting paths he formed on my body alongside the remains of glitter I had glued onto me. He made every hair on my body stand up and they probably would never go down again.

Harry unbuttoned my jeans and with some struggle we managed to get that off, taking my underwear with it. I was completely naked for him- while he still had every piece of clothing on. Before he could touch me, I removed the grey hoodie he had on and tossed it aside.

Oh, man.

His tattoos were glorious. He actually had a butterfly between his rib cages, but damn, he made it his bítch. Just like everything else around him.

My hands automatically traveled to the little V-cut he had on his hips and caressed the leaves he had tattooed there, going to the hem of his jeans, hoping he wouldn't stop me when I unbuttoned it. I kissed his perfumed neck as he kicked away his boots so he could remove his clothes.

"This fucking-", he struggled with the tight fabric stuck around his ankles. Harry brought his hands to where the problem was and pushed it away, then throwing it so far it hit the windshields.

I giggled a little at his clumsiness, but he didn't seem to notice.

I enjoyed my view for a few moments. He had black boxers on and the bulge he hid underneath it was practically poking a whole through it.

"Bend over for me, doll."

I bit my lip as I turned around on his leather seat that was already getting sticky and lifted my bum to him, with my face down. I spreaded my knees apart, between them I could get a glimpse of his covered crotch and got lost in my mischievous thoughts, distracted with my view.

He caught me by surprise when I felt a breeze of cold air being blown between my folds, I jerked my hips away from it, but his hands got me by my sides and placed me right in front of his face, replacing the cold air with his warm breath.

Both of his hands palmed my äss, spreading them apart, making it the perfect view for him. He was teasing me with everything he had and I didn't appreciate that.

"Just fücking do it!" I groaned.

"Hey", he slapped one of my äss cheeks. "I do what the fück I want to."

I bit my lip, expecting another tease from him, but when his fingertips met my center, circling it with two of his fingers, I found myself rolling my eyes shut with pleasure.

"You're so wet", he inhaled.

He applied more pressure to his fingers, with his other hand on my lower back, keeping me wherever he wanted me to be. My fingernails sunk onto the leather beneath me, holding back my moans.

"You want me to taste it?" His hands knew exactly what they were doing to me.

"Yes", I finally moaned between my words.

"No, that didn't convince me", he played around my entrance, which made me only lubricate his fingers even more.

"Please, Harry", I impatiently begged. "Give it to me."

The heavenly moment when his tongue finally touched me, I felt a sparkle going from my core to the tip of my toes. He played with my clít, getting it from side to side and finally putting his fingers inside of me. He began with his middle finger, then introduced his index, moving fast for a while, then slowing down to tease me.

He rubbed his soft tongue against my clít as he removed his fingers from me, placing one of his hands on my äss cheek, spreading me even more for him. He sucked me roughly and wiggled his head for a moment; it felt so good, my heavy breaths slowly turning into cries of pleasure. The tip of Harry's nose was peeking on my entrance as he continued to viciously eat me, he gave me another slap and I mumbled profanities under my breath.

"Yes, oh my- don't stop that", I instructed him between my delirium.

I looked between my legs and I caught Harry, with his boxers moved right underneath his balls, pumping on himself and his delicious tip leaking from the top was enough to set me off. I punched his window with the wave of pleasure building itself from my core, my stomach tense up and the explosion hit me like an atomic bomb, making me weak in the knees.

He slowly stopped his motions until they were nonexistent and I was just a twitching mess in front of him. I turned around, sitting next to him, ready to taste myself on his lips.

I gave it a little peck, feeling my wetness that still played there. "Can I suck you now?" I whispered against him.

"Go on, please me", a smirk played on the corner of his lips that he tried to hide.

He rested his back on the door, I grabbed the hem of his boxers and finally removed it from him. Adjusting my body to the tight space, I finally touched his hard, thick member. I pumped him lightly, biting my lip, just appreciating my view. Even his dîck was beautiful.

"Don't tease me, girl", his hand tugged the hair on the back of my neck, encouraging me to go for it.

I licked the entire length of him, following the path of his under vein, stopping by his bright pink tip, twirling my tongue around it as I masturbated him harder. I sucked on his tip, to later finally suck whatever I could of him.

I kept sucking him deeper and deeper into me, adjusting my throat to the movement. His hand pulled harder on my hair and I could hear soft exhales escaping from his mouth, which only made me go deeper.

When I finally managed to get him fully, touching the half grown hair he had with the tip of my nose, I shook my head from side to side just so he could feel my walls and cupped his balls at the same time. It was enough to get a delicious groan out of him and I was completely happy about it. I quickly removed him from my mouth before I choked.

I sucked on his tip once again while I pumped him, then my tongue traveled all the way to his balls, where I gave a light suck and played with them a little.

"Oh, babe", he rolled his eyes and tilted his head back on the window, letting another moan escape.

I saw the pitch of his stomach stiffen and I knew he was coming, but he interrupted what I was doing, pulling me up.

"Shít-", he cursed. "Could you get a condom on the glove compartment?"

I swiftly supported myself on the front seat and grabbed what he was asking for- deliberately lifting my arse for his amusement. He gave it a light slap, squeezing it in the process as I opened the condom with my teeth and threw the pack on the front seat.

I gave it to him and he swiftly rolled it over his length while I made myself comfortable on the sticky seat.

And, when I finally locked my gaze to his, I noticed how dark and lustful his iris had turned. His pupils had dilated and his stare was incredibly intimidating. I felt like he was my master and I was his submissive. I was his.

That did not bother me at all when he finally entered me, careful on the first push, but insatiable on the second, and the third, and so on. The burn I felt as I adjusted to his size slowly faded and turned into big waves of pleasure. I couldn't keep myself shut, with his car bouncing alongside his deep thrusts. I sunk my fingernails onto his broad shoulders, leaving claw marks wherever I touched. He seemed to enjoy the pain I caused him.

"Baby you moan so good, but you need to be quiet", his worried eyes wandered to the outside of the car. "Suck on me", he got back at me, placing two of his fingers upon my lips. I parted them, letting him enter my mouth and I sucked on his salty long fingers with everything I had, until I had his rings beyond my lips.

A husky groan escaped from his mouth, he was going as crazy as me, but when his free hand went to the back of my knee and pulled my leg up, I lost it.

"Can I choke you?" His hand went from my mouth to my neck, awaiting my response.

"What?" I couldn't think straight.

"Just fücking trust me!" He impatiently shoved himself as deep as he could, making his balls slap against my arse. With that motion, I just managed to nod for him.

"Tell me when to stop", he gripped me right underneath my jaw and completely blocked me from breathing.

I didn't try though, I just closed my eyes and embraced it, suddenly everything around me revolved on the pleasure he was providing me. The pressure that position made on my stomach made his tip touch my pleasure spot, immediately making it build itself from my center and burst to my entire body in a matter of seconds.

I sunk my teeth onto my lips as hard as I could to hold back a scream, rolling my eyes underneath my eyelids whilst I hit my highest- which I swear, lasted for what felt like five whole seconds. I tapped him twice in the hand and he released me.

I took a deep breath, ecstatic with the new experience. But it wasn't over. He kept going with small thrusts inside of me; I was very sensible, my legs shook with every movement. I tried my best to get him there faster by clinging my nails to his neck- not to choke him, but to cause him pain. A thick vein popped out of there as he groaned with my touch.

I felt him twitch inside of me and he grasped on whatever part of my body he could find and with a final moan, lips parted and eyes shut, he came.

The actions that followed were confusing. I was too lost on the thoughts of the amazing orgasm I had experienced to notice when his body completely tore down on top of me. But when I did notice, his warm breath was against my ear, his back going up and down and I was slightly caressing it with my fingertips. The windows were blurry from our deep breaths, it was like our bodies were glued together with sweat.

I swear I could've fallen asleep right there, with him resting his whole weight on top of me, careless, smelling my hair, still connected to me.

But when I opened my eyes, the sky had a deep shade of blue, followed with purple and orange right on top of the horizon. Below it, layed the sun, weakily shining and painting the sky with that beautiful twilight watercolor.

"Uh- Harry?" I cautiously called him.

He raised his head abrubtly, widening his now bright green eyes at me. "Shit, this happened", he mumbled in realisation.

"Did you fall asleep?" I furrowed my brows, but I only got a simple nod in response. "Well, it's dawn."

"So?" He sharply exhaled as he removed himself from me. Yes, he was still there.

"So", I imitated his annoying tone. "There will be people on the streets in a matter of minutes."

We silently dove around the car, looking for our clothes; underneath the seats, on the windshield, wherever you'd look, there was a piece of clothing. Harry just slipped his boxers and his hoodie on, getting out of the car and sitting on the driver's seat. I just jumped from one seat to another after I got into my panties, jeans and sweater.

The silence was deafening.

His hands removed my bra from the steering wheel and I rudely yanked it from his hand, sticking it inside of my backpack as fast as I could. At least I got a smirk from him.

As he turned the keys in the ignition, the radio automatically turned itself on and a ongoing song filled the silence.

"Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name, oh yeah-"

... Stones.

"Fücking-winner", a victorious grin played on Harry's lips.

"But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby-"

"No-fücking-way", I said in response, imitating his expression.

"I'm too tired to argue with you right now", his half-opened eyelids completely closed when he yawned, politely putting his palm in front of his lips as he did so.

He was probably not used to being awake this late. He probably had to work early in the morning. He cared enough to stay up this late just to be with me.

Or did he? Would he make this amount of effort just to get laid on the back of his car?

I don't know for far a man's stupidity can go, but I hope it was the first option- but knowing Harry, the presumable answer would be the second.

I gave it a thought while Mick Jagger moaned the whole ride, which made the silence quite easier for me.

There it was. The guilt.

The guilt of giving my all to someone who couldn't give less of a fuck about me.

I could punch myself right now.

After a few minutes, he finally parked in front of my building. I felt the urge to just run away without looking back, but I had to act sane for the viewers.

"Thank you for the ride", I made no eye contact with him.

I saw Harry lean over to kiss me, but I instantly dodged and opened his car door, slamming it shut.

I ran the few steps to my apartment, looking for my keys. When I finally managed to open the gateway, Harry was still there watching me get inside. I didn't think much of it.

When I finally layed on my mattress, took me about three seconds to close my eyes and fall asleep.


The Rolling Stones — Sympathy For The Devil

I'm too embarassed to say anything but just tell me what you think of the smut (even if I suck, tell me so I can get better)

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