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Scarlet's pov

"Tell me why everything turned around."

Go Your Own Way — Fleetwood Mac


Three weeks. One missed call.

It took me three weeks to realise that, whatever I had with Harry, it was over now.

The first week was the easiest. It was all just normal, he'd usually disappear for a week before showing up with his long locks at my work ready to take me home just because he felt like it.

I dared to call him on the second week, when he was all I could think about. Wondering what he was doing, if he was thinking about me too. Maybe he was too busy to come or call. My heart fell when he didn't pick up, let me ring for about four times until I freaked out over being too clingy and hung up. I didn't want him to think that I was needy.

I waited another week for him to call me back.

But he never did.

I guess I should've expected this from him, I shouldn't even be surprised. He wasn't enough of a man to say it to my face.

I was mad. I was so fucking mad.

Mad at myself for being so stupid, mad at him for... Being him.

I couldn't let one teardrop roll on my cheeks over someone who didn't deserve it. I sucked it in so much it hurt.

I didn't want to talk to anyone, have an actual conversation. It was like no one was as interesting as him.

"V", I heard a whisper.

I didn't move a muscle.

"V!" The louder call made me jump on the spot I've been lying for a while.

"What, Lara, what?" I impatiently asked, getting extra pissed when she opened my curtains and the light made my eyes burn.

"You need to get up", she removed my blankets and I held my legs, shivering.

"Are you on a suicide mission? What are you doing?" I buried my face on my pillow, already tired of this conversation.

"I gave you one week to be bad about Harry, now it's time to get up and get the fuck over it!"

"I don't wanna", I mumbled.

"Oh, yeah, you do", she sternly said before she grabbed my mattress by the ends with her tiny hands and turned it around, making me roll to the cold hard floor and the mattress land on top of me.

I harshly pushed it away from me. "Fuck you, Lara!"

"Go take a shower before I stick a díldo up your ass!" She turned around on her heels and got out of my room, but I knew she'd come back ten minutes later to check on me again.

I grunted in pain as my knees hurt when I forced myself to get up.

I took a hot shower, covering the whole bathroom with steam and making the mirrors blurry. I used my fingertip to write "I hate you" to Lara. She'd definitely read it.

I wrapped myself on a towel and marched to my room. I probably shouldn't put pyjamas, otherwise I'd feel lazy again.

I put on some black leggings, socks and a navy blue sweater that was a size bigger than me. After putting on deodorant and a perfume, I couldn't deny that I was feeling refreshed. That bitch.

I smelled food, so I went to the kitchen to see if the smell of pasta was real or I was hallucinating.

"I made us pasta", she told me as she stirred the sauce.

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