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Scarlet's pov.

"Now that you got a chance tell me what is gon' be?"

Rihanna - Jump


I had to recompose myself and my apartment this morning. I woke up early, about nine a.m. and dragged Lara out of bed as well. She just slapped my arm harshly and I took away her blankets, which only awoke the beast inside of her.

"What the fück are you doing?" She yelled. "Leave me alone, höoker!"

"Get up honey, we're cleaning!" I told her in an annoying excited tone as I yanked her curtains open. She threw her head on her pillow, face first.

"Why?" She asked with a softer voice. I'm guessing it was just the pillow.

"Zayn is coming over soon and honestly, this place looks terrible, we need to clean it!" I sat on my knees on top of her bed. When I didn't get any response besides a grunt, I began to jump and moving her around. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

"Go suck a díck, sister, leave me alone", she didn't faze much from my attempts to awake her.

I took a desperate shot, taking her hip and yanking it forward and straight to the corner of the bed, she rolled right to the floor. "Help me?" I gave her a sweet smile.

She took a deep, furious breath. "I'm going to beat your ass up. This house is not going to look any prettier for your stupid judgemental boyfriend! We're still going to have a three euros couch at the end of the day! You need to wake up."

I closed my mouth in a straight line, looking away from her eyes and slowly getting out of her bed. She exhaled heavily, noticing she hurt my feelings. "I'm sorry", she said, but I just left her room without a word nor a glimpse.

I went straight to the room on the back of our kitchen, where we kept our cleaning products and brooms. I got myself an old, but clean piece of fabric and removed the dust from our television, then slammed the two pillows we kept on the couch together, then slammed them all around the couch. Probably a terrible idea, 'cause now the dust is flying all around the living room. Fück, I was never good at this.

"God, you really suck", Lara entered the living room quietly and apprehensive. I kept my business and ignored her ass, just so I wouldn't get into an argument, I internalized my anger and concentrated on my cleaning.

Of course it would make a difference, no one likes being in a dirty place. It's been over a month since we cleaned it, Zayn must think the worst of me. Maybe he's allergic to dust, the poor guy trying to be nice to me and I was fighting him for something that he can't help. 

Lara noticed what I was doing. "Don't give me the silent treatment", she told me and I kept my mouth shut. I believe I was starting to irritate her, but she took the broom and began to swipe nevertheless. "I said I was sorry", she mumbled. Yeah, but did you mean it? "You have to agree with me that he's not the one for you, and you're not the one for him either."

I grunted. "Why is it? Because a stripper can't get a decent guy?"

"That's exactly not what I'm saying",  she took her time to figure out the right words to say. "I've seen you together, he doesn't look sincere to me. Stripper's intuition."

"That's not even a thing", I mumbled as I cleaned our windows, facing my back to her.

"Okay, my intuition. He looks like an evil genius to me."

"I thought you told me to use him for my benefit", I reminded her of her words.

"I told you to have fun with him, not fall in love and engage in a serious relationship!" She scolded me.

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