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Zayn's pov.

"I love your demons, like devils can."

Sam Smith - Like I Can


I had just gotten out of work when my phone vibrated on my pocket, indicating I had a message from Louis. It was finally Friday night, so I was expecting him to contact me any moment.

Louis Tommo:
The lads are going to the O'Bar tonight, you up?
Zayn Malik:
Yeah, I'll be there.

Ordinary girlfriends would be incredibly pissed if they even heard about a 'lads' night that they weren't invited to, which happened to me a few times before. One of the perks of having a stripper girlfriend is that you don't need to tell them where you were when they were at work.

I went back to my apartment to take a shower and get ready, ending up with a muscle tee and a leather jacket thrown on top of it. I combed and styled my hair, finishing up hiding a half-smoked blunt in a random corner of my wallet. Just for the fun.

I drove out to the familiar place we'd usually go when there was no better idea for a Friday night. I was welcomed with the scent of beer that was impregnated on the walls.

Fiddling with my car keys, I searched for the lads. A few seconds later my eyes met with Niall's, whose face were bright pink from laughter. I also spotted Harry, caught up in a conversation with Louis. My whole body tensed; we successfully managed to avoid each other for almost a week after Louis' house party. But I knew sometime we had to overcome the awkward situation.

"Sup", I quickly nodded to everyone on the table, including Harry- whom surprisingly made eye contact with me.

I sat and enjoyed the beer for a few minutes, just listening to the current topic of conversation. I noticed Harry slowly zoning out, staring at nothing with a blank expression on his face.

"Zayn'll buy the next round", my name being mentioned caught my attention.

"What?" I asked.

"Go to the bar get us tequila shots", Louis told me.

"Why would I?" I furrowed my brows, getting a little annoyed with his tone.

"Because each one of us is buying one", he softened, explaining to me.

"Well, in that case", I shrugged as I got up and went to the giant bar.

When I got there, I rested my elbows on the balcony as I awaited for my turn. Shortly after getting there, someone stood by my side and took the same posture as me.

"Dude", the person said. Harry.


I wanted to pass out so I could never have that conversation.

"We're gonna have to talk to each other eventually", he cleared his throat. It was like one of us would have to make the sacrifice of talking to the other first and I couldn't think of how incredibly drunk he must be right now to be the one to do it.

I took a breath and looked at him and he did the same. "Come on, man up", I watched his pink shiny lips move as he encouraged me. I couldn't help the memories that came to my mind, and my stomach felt weird.

"Ah, man", I furrowed my brows as I made my nauseation evident on my expression.

It wasn't just the fact that I kissed a dude, it was that I kissed a dude that was practically my brother. Incest.

"I can't believe this, bro", he aggressively tapped my shoulder to make me look back at him again. "I come here to make things better and you're being a díck."

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