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Scarlet's pov.

"We are who we are when no one's watching."

Zayn Malik - I won't mind


Harry stumbled his way inside of my room, still carrying me with no effort. Where he expected a bed, he found a mattress on the floor. But it wasn't just a simple mattress, I took my time to decorate it and make it look nice- the affordable way.

He practically fell onto the soft surface, leaving me underneath him. The moonlight the only source of light in that room, our lips met once again. I just wanted to pull his hair and intertwine my fingers between his curls, but I contained myself with scratching the nape of his neck with my nails and feeling his hair bristle. His touch got rougher after that, as if I had just pressed a button. He sunk himself in one of my breasts, gripping my leg tighly, keeping it around his waist. He sucked on my hard nipple, licked around it and by the time he bit it, my back was arched and he was humming against my skin. He left me incredibly red, which reminded me of one unfortunate detail.

When he touched me on top of my shorts, it hit me.

"Oh, fucking hell", I exhaled in annoyance. "I can't do it, Harry."

"What? Why?" He quickly looked up at me and I just covered my face with both of my hands. I knew I'd blush.

"I'm on my period", I barely said.

"That's it?", he touched my hands and removed them from my face. "I don't mind", he looked into my eyes and nonchalantly went back to kissing my skin. I was relieved it didn't bother him, but it bothered me.

"I do", I carefully pulled him away from me. He sat down next to my cushions and he looked incredibly sad.

"Okay", he breathed as he removed his blazer, revealing a long sleeved shirt with small horseshoes patterned all over it. He looked nice. He always looked nice. "What am I supposed to do with this?" He looked down at the growing bulge he displayed.

I felt my cheeks blush again and I let out a light laugh with my hand covering my mouth. I was so turned on by him I felt my insides burn.

"I can do something for you", I lowered my voice, slowly running my palms on top of his long thighs, giving it a light squeeze when I came closer to his crotch. He leaned back with a kinky side smirk over his lips, which only made me want him even more. I cupped his bulge, feeling his thickness under the tight fabric. I could see his form perfectly underneath those jeans, I bit my lip at the thought of his pink tip.

I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, making him instantly kick his boots out. I had the pleasure to properly undress him, on my bed, on my room, on my house. I slowly dragged his jeans down his legs, never leaving his eye contact- his now dark emerald eyes, so filled with lust and desire, craving for my touch.

I leaned on top of him, with my face directly in front of his pulsating member. He was wearing black boxers again. I caressed his tip and kissed him on top of the fabric, my eyes never leaving his face, not missing one expression of him. I licked on top of his balls, making the fabric slightly wet and Harry inhale deeply at my actions. This time he was letting me tease him, but I wouldn't torture him for too long- I'd be torturing myself too.

I went for the hem of his boxers and pulled it down. His pulsating member immediately slamming against his tatted tummy, I saw him bite his lip and patiently wait for me. I rolled his boxers out and throwed it aside while he unbuttoned his shirt, but not take it off. He exposed his chest and the tattoos that garnished his whole torso. I couldn't contain myself; I reached for his butterfly tattoo, sinking my nails onto it as I made sweet wet kissing spots all the way from his balls to his tip. I didn't touch it tough, I let it layed over his tummy, using just my mouth to pleasure him.

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