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Scarlet's pov.

"Reaching out to touch a stranger, electric eyes are everywhere."

Michael Jackson — Human Nature


"Help me, Mia!" I pleaded to the girl next to me, holding my bra. She quickly zipped it on my back and I thanked her.

I ran to the room I was told and nodded to one of the DJs, signaling that I was ready and the room on the other side of the courtain ligthed up to the thick voice of Robert Plant.

"Oooh, I can't quit you, baby-"

I made myself known, slowly showing myself through the red fabric that stood between me and that room.

And all I saw was the hair.

"So I'm gonna put you down for a while"

The black throusers. The hair and the black trousers. The dark components of him that stood out on the red lighting of the room.

My heart skipped a long beat.

"Said you messed up my happy home-"

My eyes widened for a split second, an internal war going through my mind if wether I should run or pretend like nothing happened.


I will not be a coward.

My lips pulled into a devilish smile, several thoughts popping up in my mind and I did my best to block them out and concentrate on dancing.

Why is he here? He knew I'd be here, so why is he back? What does he want from me now?


I hesitantly dragged my body to him, moving my hips side to side.

"Oh, when I feel you near me, little girl-"

He sat straight with his hands on his lap. I separated his knees with my own, looking at him in the eyes, his lips were pressed against each other in a fine line. He seemed a little tipsy.

"I know you are my one desire, yeah-"

I opened my legs, relutanctly sitting on his lap with my hands on his shoulder. He touched my waist, bringing me closer to him. I was frightened with our proximity, but somehow I wanted it. He didn't look so scary now.

Our faces were complete blank, one wondering what came across the other's mind. Not one word spoken.

I danced on top of him to the sound of the heavy solo.

"Why is it that they only pick rock songs for you?" He finally said something. I forgot how deep his voice was, how slow and precise his words were.

"Because I am badass", I lifted one of my eyebrows and he just chuckled through his breath.

He leaned in between my breats, pulling me against his face by my back and quickly took a deep breath.

"You know, you smell nice. For a whore."

That's it, that was enough to enfuriate me.

"Fuck you", I spat as I pushed his body away from me.

"Seemed a little offended there, more than usual", he played with me with a little grin on his face. That bastard.

"You're a fucking asshole", I stood up, releasing myself from his grip.

"Looking ballsy today", he furrowed his brows as he also got up. "Should I remind you that you're in my hands?"

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