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Valerie's pov.

"Baby you're no good, 'cause they warned me 'bout your type girl."

The Weeknd - Acquainted


"So..." I turned around to look at Zayn, trying my best to not look perverse.

"I don't have anything to say to you", Zayn spat, looking at me with disgust. "Do you really think you can have a life with that idiot? How stupid can you be?" He asked me, making it obvious that he was listening since the beginning of Harry and I's conversation.

"I've had more with him than I ever had with you!" I made drama.

"That's amusing", he moved around impatiently, with clouds of dark thoughts visibly filling his mind. "Why?"

"Why what, Zayn?" I rolled my eyes.

"Why did you do that? Is it because he's richer than me?" I wanted to punch his face. "I don't know why I expected fidelity from a stripper. I guess I'm the stupid one", he looked out at the window, where the party was happening. Appearing tired, he held the frames of the window and supported his entire body weight in one leg.

I ignored his question completely. "You drove me further and further away each day, don't act like it's such a surprise to you."

"For how long?" He asked another one of his stupid questions.

"Way before I met you", he snapped his neck to look at me. I tried not to laugh.

"What the fùck, Scarlet?"

"Oh, my name isn't Scarlet", this time I couldn't hold back. I smiled.

He crouched down, rubbing his temples, completely blown away. "Who the fúck did I bring into my home?"

"Please, don't act like I took your virginity. Don't act like you're a saint either", I was ready to throw everything at him. "You're such a manipulator, you've been mentally abusing me for months! You took advantage of the sensible state I was in and used me!"

"What sensible state?" I felt mocked.

"I'm a drug addict, you stupid fúck!" I yelled at his face. "In case you forgot, or have you burned all of your neurons out already?"

"Don't you fùcking talk to me like that!" He got up, pointing at my face with his finger and towering me. "Is that the only excuse you could find? Mentally abusing you? I didn't know you had such a fertile imagination."

"You manipulated me throughout our entire relationship!" I widened my eyes, looking at him incredulously. Is he really that oblivious? "You made me feel like every mistake you made was my fault! And made me apologise for it!"

"Stop blaming me for your problems, it's not my fault we were arguing all the fücking time! God, you're fücked up."

"Can you see what you're doing, or you just pretend to be completely out of it?" I held my temples between the heels of my hands for a moment. "You're fücking doing it!" I felt the bridge of my nose pinch and suddenly my eyes were watery, my vision being blurred by them. I couldn't see anything.

"I'm just saying it how it is. You're delusional. You're trying to make excuses for what you've done, and I'm not having it", he looked away once more.

My mind was clouded with his dirty manipulative words, even the way he said it; steady and convinced of the content he was spilling out. He truly had a gift. But I was no longer his subordinate.

"I'm not making any excuses, no. I know that what I did was wrong, believe me", I got closer to him as my hatred intensified and we were face to face. "But I'm not sorry. I have no regrets, not one moment I had with Harry has my mind heavy with guilt."

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