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Scarlet's pov.

"I'm just disgusted with the skeletons you sleep with in your closet to get back at me."

Ed Sheeran — The Man


Harry made me realize how meaningless life can be.

You can spend most of your life working your ass off, trying to get enough money for future plans or to just merely feed yourself. You can waste your whole life trying to build something when in the blink of an eye all of it can disappear and none of it will matter.

That thought made me want to live my life, no matter how people tell me if it's not right. It's my life. I don't want to die with postponed life experiences that never came true.

That's why I called Zayn back. That's why I accepted his dinner invitation. Because it's my life.

He said he would take me some place nice, so I didn't know what to wear. After several thrift shops and endless change of clothes, I couldn't find anything that fit the situation. By the end of the day, I ended up with a floral dress that I borrowed from Lara that was a tad too short for me. I let my hair fall down my back, but today I made a special effort by straightening it.

With red lips, winged eyeliner, a cute brown purse and high heels, I was ready to go.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard my phone ring and Zayn's voice telling me he had arrived to pick me up.

I was nervous. I hadn't been on a date in a long time.

I strolled my weak legs down my building and stopped when our gaze met on my entrance. He was waiting outside of his car, resting his back on the closed door. Zayn looked at me from top to bottom, with a grin on his lips. I unintentionally did the same to him, staring at his slim body just a few meters away from me. He straightened his spine, adjusted his casual suit and opened the door for me when I began walking towards him again.

"You look wonderful", he touched my waist and we kissed each other's cheeks.

"You look even better", I smirked, taking one step inside of what I guessed was a Mercedes.

Zayn swiftly made his way around the car, taking the wheel and driving us to the location. After a while of catching up, we stopped by what looked like a brown brick house, but with a romantic lighting and security on the front. Zayn once again rushed to open my door, giving me his hand to help me get out of his car.

His politeness was blowing me away. I was never treated with such courtesy by any men and with that, he earned every bit of respect I had within me.

"They don't have a dress code, do they?" I whispered so only Zayn could hear me.

"As long as it's not jeans, you'll be fine", he smirked, giving me one of his arms to hold onto. 

His car was driven away by someone from the staff and we were greeted by someone extremely polite and with the heaviest accent I've ever heard. I tried my best to not say anything stupid by just smiling and nodding. We were guided to our table that was placed on the higher level- VIP maybe?

Zayn pulled my chair for me and I sat down, briefly thanking him.

Oh boy, this was not my place. It was obvious that I didn't belong here and I don't think I even deserve this from Zayn, taking the fact that I banged one of his best friends. I swallowed hard at this inconvenient guilt that was taking over me.

"Are you okay?" Zayn leaned over, noticing my discomfort.

I smiled. "I'm wonderful."

The waiter handed to both of us the large menu where I could read "Galvin La Chapelle" on the top, followed by several other french names. I furrowed my brows at them, this was so classic. The country girl can't even read the menu.

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