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Scarlet's pov.

"Put your open lips on mine and slowly let them shut."

Ed Sheeran — Afire Love


Zayn and Harry said their goodbyes briefly by just fist-bumping and Harry was fast to walk into the elevator. I turned to Zayn.

"Bye", he lazily smiled. "Will I see you soon?"

"Of course", I reassured him and completely aware that Harry was watching and listening to everything, I got on the tip of my toes and gave Zayn a peck on the lips.

The elevator ride was deadly silence, none of us making any eye contact and the awkwardness between us that I hated so much was back.

When we got out of the building, I followed him a few steps through the street to his car and I was surprised when I didn't see a Mercedes, or a Volvo, or whatever shiny expensive cars they have out there.

It was a white car. I honestly have no idea what model it was, but I knew it was old, people don't make cars like that anymore. It was very stylish, I never knew this would be his kind of thing but it suited him, like everything else.

I got inside, next to the passanger's seat, hoping he would put his black rooftop down and I could feel the wind in my hair. But he didn't, he just put the keys in the ignition and drove off.

"Where do you live?" He asked me before taking a first turn.


"That shit's far", the fucker whined.

"Well, you offered the ride, I didn't ask you!" I raised my voice, bothered with his choice of words.

"You should be more thankful, y'know, after everything I've done for you", he lowered his voice and I knew he wasn't just talking about the ride. It was enough to set me off.

"Tell me, enlighten me with the many wonderful things you've done to me!" I snapped. "No, no, let me tell you. You not only put my life at risk every single damn time we've met in my life, but you also decide to humiliate me and call me names for no reason at all. Then you think you can solve all of our problems with sex and everything is alright, but guess what? I still have a bruise on my neck and every devilish word you've ever said to me still echoes in my brain. But thank you so much, my life is a fucking garden of roses all because of you!" I furrowed my brows at him, knowing he'd still be able to see me with the corner of his eyes.

He didn't answer right away. He pressed his lips into a fine line.

"I guess- I'm sorry", he said not trying to put much meaning into it, because he was just too cool for feelings.

"You better be, 'cause I'm fucking hungry and you're the last person I wanna be with right now", I said as I felt my stomach crave for food.

"Me too- I mean, am hungry", he replied, keeping his eyes on the road and his arms moving fast around the wheel. Only when I calmed down I noticed how much of a reckless driver he is.

I should probably put a seat belt, but that would hurt my belly, or perhaps I would eat the belt through my navel.

"God, there's a black hole in my stomach", I held my belly, whining.

"I am so hungry I could eat a horse", Harry moaned.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a dog if I had to", I played, letting the images of a burger fill my mind. Not a dog burger, an actual burger.

"I'm so hungry I could eat- I could eat those things people throw away when they make animal meat that are useless, like its foot, or beak- or something", he said and I thought it was cute how confused he was, or how he didn't know what to say whilst smiling and making hand gestures.

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