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Nobody knows how it feels to be a part of a murder, unless, of course, you've been a part of one. Suddenly everything changes, the room, the people around you, yourself. And it was one of the things Harry loved the most about it, how he turns into a different man every time he takes a life. When that happened with him and Valerie, he knew they not only had a bond for life, they both became two different people together. She became someone else to him, even more important than she was before, more than he'd like to admit. He would see a side of her that he has never seen before and that excited him more than anything, it made him hungry, he wanted more and more of these moments. He knew that the two things he enjoyed the most was murdering and Valerie's presence; when the two combined, he had found his new favourite thing.


Scarlet's pov.

"We like to think that we have self-control and free will, but, under the right circumstances, any of us can become a killer."

Annalise Keating - How To Get Away With Murder


"I know I said I wanted to take things slow, but the truth is, I can't stand being around you any more", I said to Harry as I began to lean towards him. 

"I hope you mean that in the good way", he smirked, keeping his gaze on my lips. 

"I mean it in the way that I can't not touch you any longer", I explained, touching his arm, then caressing all the way up to his neck. "Every place we go, even when we're in public, my body aches for you."

I felt goosebumps on Harry's neck as I slowly swung one knee across his lap, straddling him. He bit his lip and finally touched me, pulling me closer to him by my waist. "Keep going", he encouraged me to talk. 

"I always keep finding excuses to touch you in the most inappropriate way possible", I flashed a dirty smile. "Once, I kept rubbing my boob on you for minutes and you didn't even notice." 

"Of course I did. So much I even had to excuse myself", he confessed, giggling afterwards and moving his hands, caressing me up and down, from my waist to my thighs. 

"I can't even remember the last time we kissed", I said with my eyebrows furrowed and a hint of sadness in my voice. I slowly touched our foreheads and gazed into his deep emerald eyes. 

"Me neither", he whispered and I felt his hot breath against my lips. "I don't know about you, but I can't take it any more", he then held the nape of my neck and locked our lips so tightly I could feel them tingling and getting warmer with the blood flowing faster. We both held onto each other strongly as we kissed hard and passionately, his soft tongue dancing with mine to the sound of fireworks on my mind. 

I brought my hip further, so I could rub myself on him. I pulled his hair by the roots on the back of his neck and bit his lip furiously, feeling the taste of blood on the tip of my tongue later. He touched me everywhere, holding my waist, my lower back, my ass, until he took the hem of my shirt and took it off of me, throwing it somewhere around us.

Harry's hand cupped one of my boobs, placing quick sloppy kisses on my jawline, following to my neck and chest. He impatiently dragged the cups of my bra down and devoured me, sucking hard on my nípple and biting it just to make sure he would leave a mark. I kept swaying my hips back and forth to tease him, until I felt his hard member leave a wet spot of pre cüm on my thigh.

I immediately took his shirt off and kissed his chest also, playfully licking his dark nipple, smiling devilishly at him as I did so. "Come on, sit", I invited him to sit on his sofa.

I got up from his lap and he did as I said, sitting in front of me, who was knelt between his long legs. I enjoyed the view for a while, touching his stomach and chest, leaving wet kisses until I reached the leaves he had tattooed. I quickly unbuttoned his jeans and brought it down with his boxers, just beneath his ass. I was welcomed with a díck slap on my chin followed by a perfect land on his leaves. It was so hot, his throbbing pink tip leaking for me. I could never get enough of him.

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