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"Zayn? What are you doing here, mate?" Harry felt a pinch of excitement when he realised he actually knew the boy hidden in the back.

"Man, I'm chilling", Zayn was so incredibly high that Harry thought the boy didn't even know where he was, much less know with whom he was talking to. He felt the sudden need of making sure he got home safely.

"You're that boy from school, right? Your dad died", a random lad was quite insensitive to point out.

"Dude!" Seth scolded his friend.

"It's alright", Harry reassured them. "Yeah, I am."

"You look awful", Rob, the boy with greasy hair commented, quite ironic since he looked so bad he made that girl from The Exorcist look like a nice catch. Harry wasn't even the slightest bit offended though, he even agreed with the boy, followed by a moment of silence.

After that night, Harry made new friends. Ones that wasn't the conventional-looking friends he had, most certainly not the ones people would think that would help him get over his father's death. But somehow, they did. Within only a few months of friendship, Harry had changed his entire social circle and turned into a complete different person. He wasn't the centre of attention anymore, he was just the weird kid everyone was too busy to notice. Except the bullies.

Zayn's mother found out about him doing drugs and went totally insane on him, even changing him to a boarding school to try and straighten him up. Which obviously was for nothing, he lost touch with his friends, but the weed was still in him and there was nothing she could do to change that. It didn't last long either, the following year he was already at college and re-bonded with his high school friends - or at least the ones smart enough to get into one. More precisely, Harry and Seth. The rest, Zayn just assumed turned into low-life junkies. But that wasn't him, he thought. He was going to prove that he can be successful and smoke weed to his mother.

"Are you dealing now, mate?" Zayn noticed one day that Harry couldn't possibly consume all that weed by himself.

"Yeah, why?" He shrugged as if he just got asked what's for dinner.

"Nothing", Zayn took a pause and looked around Harry's dorm. It obviously wasn't nothing. "Well, actually... Do you think you could get us something heavier?"

"Probably", Harry pouted. Since Zayn already knew about it - and he had no intentions of hiding it -, he began stacking his weed in small bags. "It's really nice though, I can get good money from all these rich kids. So what do you want, rich kid?"

"I don't know. Have you tried cocaine?" His young, curious mind wandered.

"No, but I can get us if you want", Harry showed a hint of excitement, which was new to Zayn. He had already gotten used to his friend's emotionless self. "You're going to have to pay me though, I'm not your bítch."


Valerie's pov.

"Who do you think you are? Running around leaving scars, collecting your jar of hearts and tearing love apart."

Christina Perri - Jar Of Hearts


The trip back to London was draining and it took way longer than it should have because of the snow, the idea of being stuck in a car with my long legs trapped for hours was terrifying me. Harry entertained me for a bit, playing games and such. I gave up shortly after, it was boring me. I made an effort and tried to sleep for the rest of this never ending trip.

I woke up suddenly with a big hand shaking my shoulder. "Dude, wake up!"

Harry seemed quite impatient. "What?"

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