Part 2

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Then someone walks through the door. I quickly hide the walkie-talkie under my bed and turned around to see my mom.
"Hey," I say. She smiles at me.

"What's up, kiddo?"

"Nothing. I'm bored."

"Wanna do laundry with me?" my mom asks. We both start laughing. We talk for a few more minutes then she leaves the door. I wait until I can't hear any more footsteps and then I bring the walkie-talkie back out. I know I've missed a lot because when I heard something, it's Natasha speaking.

"Maybe Tony's right." I was surprised by this. Out of all the people, Natasha agreed with my dad.

"Focus up. I'm sorry, did I just mishear you or did you agree with me?" my dad asked Nat.

"Oh, I want to take it back."

"No, no, no. You can't retract it. Thank you. Unprecedented. Ok, case closed—I win." Then I heard a phone go off.

"I have to go." Steve said, then the door opened and closed. Then all of them start taking again. I heard that my dad, Rhodey, and Vision all signed. Clint said that he was retiring and that Wanda hasn't decided yet.

"Thank you everyone," my dad finishes. Then all the Avengers tell each other bye. I hear the door open and everyone leaving. After a few minutes, I didn't hear anything. But then my door opens. It opens so fast the I didn't have time to hide the walkie-talkie. It's my dad. He was holding the other walkie-talkie in his hand.

"So, good plan. You know, sticking it behind me, putting it on my pants. But I had to notice you know. I know that you put this on me." My face turned red and I put my head down. "Why did you do that?"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to know the circumstances," I reply back in a soft voice. My dad sighs. He sits down by me on my bed and he throws his arm around me. He runs my other arm and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Are you scared somethings going to happen?" he asks. I nod my head yes. "Oh Callie. Nothing is going to happen and if something does..."

"Can I go?" I ask then fully regret it. He is going  to say no and I already know it.

"I don't know." my dad replies.

"Please! I have my own suit! It's just like yours just not." I beg my dad.

"Probably not. You've been training, I know. But...I just can't afford to lose you."

"I understand." He hugs me and leaves the room. I lay down in my bed. Then I look at the window. I run downstairs to only see my mom, reading a magazine.

"Hey, mom!" I exclaim.

"Hey, what's up Callie?" she replies.

"Can I please go out to the city tonight?"
My mom gives me a weird look.


"Oh, please! Just tonight. I promise that tomorrow I help with dishes and dinner and anything you want!"

My mother sighs, "Okay, fine. Be back here at 10. I love you."

"I love you too, mom!" I quickly hug my mom and run out the door. I take a walk to the nearest park. After I walk around it a few times, I can hear the traffic. I go past all of the restaurants, to downtown New York. I'm walking down to a Chinese place and I see a bright light coming from an alley behind a building. The building looks like a laboratory. I walk closer to it and get to the corner. Then I get closer to the light and it stops.

"What the-" then I get cut off by a man.

"What are you doing back here?" he asks. He scared me to death. When I look at his hand, he has a needle with silver liquid in it.

"N-nothing. I ju-just...I dropped this." I picked up an old coin.

"I hate liars."

"I'm not lying." He started coming closer to me and soon enough, I'm pinned to the corner by a dumpster.

"Don't get any closer.."

"Or what?" He replies.

"Or this..." I quickly press a bottom on the bracelet my dad gave me if I was to get in trouble. Metal started swarming around my hand and soon, a metal Iron Man hand covered my hand.

"Whatcha gonna do with that?"

I quickly shot at him, missing by a mile. He starts coming closer and I keep missing him. Then he gets so close that I punch him. He turns his head to look at me and then he punches me back. I land on the ground and everything starts to get blurry. Then, I pass out.

I wake up, tied to a chair, with my right arm put in front of me. My head is pounding and I feel the blood seeping out of my nose.

"What-" I got cut off again by a different man. He came up to me and quickly put something in my mouth.

"Let's get straight to the point. I wanted to capture you, little Stark." the man said. He pulls out the needle with the silver liquid in it and comes close to me. "I hope this works, for your sake." Then he sticks the needle into my arm and pushes the silver liquid through my veins. A stinging comes through my whole body and I just want to scream but I can't. Things start to get dizzy then I hear a siren.

"Dr., something is happening with the radiation. It's like something of someone got in and hacked our system. This place is going to blow to dust in any second." I guess one of his assistants is talking to him.

"Then, we better get going." He says. He looks at me and I can't see his face because my vision is getting blurry again. "Bye, little Stark." He walks off with his assistant. I heard little beeping and it kept getting faster. I broke my right arm free and I tried to get up but I failed. I fell onto the ground and my head was spinning. The beeps got more and more intense and the next thing I know, I'm passed out again.
Omg, guys, this is not my best work! Idrk if I like it as much but here!


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