Part 35

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After Brad embarrassing himself, I quickly walk up to Peter's seat. He's sitting there, staring off into space.

"Peter," I whisper while sitting down. "What the hell?"

"What?" He asks, sitting up for me. He takes off his glasses.

"Peter, I saw the drone. I saw you looking at Brad when he was trying to show me something. What the hell did you do?" His eyes get big knowing that I knew what he did.

"Look, just calm down."

"No, Peter! I'm not calming down. You did something."

"I did, okay? The picture, the..." he sighs.
"There was a picture on Brad's phone. He was gonna show you, he was... look, Callie, the picture looked so bad. Okay, the girl, she told me that I needed to try on my suit so I started to get undressed because she told me too and then I just, I just...I just took off my jeans, that was it. Brad came in there on the wrong time, making it look wrong, and then he took a picture, and threatened that you deserved more than that. And I tried to explain-" Peter was talking a mile a minute. I grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss, shutting him up. He put his hands on mine and kept kissing me. Once he pulled out, he was speechless. "I'm sorry."

"Peter, it's not your fault. I understand why you did. Just, next time tell me?" He smiled and nodded. We turn to face the front and I lay my head on his shoulder. My eyes start to get tired and they close.

"I love you," Peter whispers, thinking I didn't hear him. I smile a little bit.

The blue light shines from my hands.

"I'm not afraid of you!"

"Oh, Callie. You will be." A green light comes towards me, knocking me over, and I hit my shoulder on a brick. I groan and hold it. I turn in multiple directions, carefully looking for him. I see him and blast him. A drone comes out and shoots at me. I twist and turn, making sure the bullet doesn't hit me. But my plan doesn't work. The bullet hits me, going deep into my side.

"Callie. You should've listened to me in the first place, or this wouldn't have happened." The illusion comes up to me, and grabs my by the neck. "I'm sorry."

A jolt up, surprising Peter. I'm breathing hard and holding my side. I look down and don't see any blood or anything.

"Are you okay?" Peter asks, looking at my hand on my side. I didn't want to tell him that recently I've been having nightmares. I mean, I should tell him. But I can't distract him.

"I'm fine, my side just hurts." He looks at me worried, then he nods his head.

"Well, we're here." I look outside the window and it's dark, but the sitting in front of us, was a huge palace. Okay, okay, it was a hotel. But it was a huge hotel.

"Whoa." I reply and Peter nods. We go inside the and the doors get opened up for us by two men. I look up, seeing fancy pictures and wallpapers more expensive than half of the compound. There is a piano and a man sitting there, playing something for us.

"Wow, this place is so classy." Betty says, looking around like the rest of us.

"Yeah, so why are we here?" Someone from the back says.

"Speak for yourself," Flash chuckles. "I'm home."

"What can I say? The squeaky wheel gets the upgrade grease. Uh, everyone get settled in, rest up because tonight, big surprise, is Prague's annual..." I look around, getting lost in the colors and images, not listening to anyone. I look up, twisting my head around lightly. I take a deep breath and close me eyes.

When I open them back up, there sitting in front of me, my father had a smile on his face. My mouth dropped open wide, and my eyes peered open. I blink a few times, and wipe my eyes with my hand. I look in the same spot and just see a statue. Then Peter taps my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his eyebrows shoving themselves together.

"Yeah, just..." I look in the same spot, again. "I'm fine."

"Okay, well, Hill told me that they're ready for us and that your new suit is on your bed. Oh, along with an earpiece." I nod my head and he walks away.

"Stark? Stark!" Nick Fury screams as he takes me out of my trance.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"That thing's going to be here in a few hours. Are we boring you guys?" I look over at Peter, who must have been staring out too.

"They're not bored, they're just thinking about how you kidnapped them." Beck says, helping us out.

"They had obstacles. I removed them."

"They still won't evacuate the city." Hill says, turning to face is from her computer.

"Idiots," Nick groans. "So what's the plan, Parker?" Nick, Hill, Beck, and I all turn to look at Peter.

"I will be in the cathedral tower keeping watch for the fire wondered. When that shows up, i will radio you guys, Callie will drop down, and then Mr. Beck and I will-"

"My name is Mysterio." Beck cuts him off, giving him a playful look. Peter chuckles lightly. Oh that Peter chuckle.

"That's when Mysterio and I will move in too."

"Peter, Callie, listen to me. The best hope you have—the only hope—is to stop it here and now, no matter what the cost. Keep it away from civilians if you can, but, most important, keep it away from metal. If it gets too big, it'll be able to draw power from the Earth's core. After that, there's no way to stop it." I look at Peter, hoping he's thinking of what I'm about to say.

"Hey, man, our friends are here? And I can't help bout think we're putting them in danger-" I get cut off by Nick. He stands up and walks over to Peter and I.

"You're worried about us hurting your friends? You guys? Who called a drone strike one your own school tour bus? Stark gave you a multi-billion dollar AR tactical intelligence system and the first thing you do with it? Is try and blow your friends. It's clear to me that you were not ready for this!" I look over at Peter who's eyes were filled with tears. I couldn't help him. I just watched as his heart broke right in front of me.
Ahhhh! Okay, haven't down this in a while. Question of the day/night:are you happy with Steve's endgame?


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