Part 22~Avengers:Infinity War

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3 Months Later

I didn't like going to school that much since my dad announced me as his daughter, especially field trips. But here we are. We're riding the bus to a field trip to MoMa. Peter and I are sitting together when I get a notification from my bracelet my dad got me for my sweet sixteen. It's a news report about a spaceship entering Earth's atmosphere. Then Peter's arm hairs stick up. We both look out the window and see the spaceship.

"Shit," we mumble at the same time. Peter taps Ned, who's in the seat in front of us with headphones in, and he pulls them out. "Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction."

"Holy shit! We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!" Ned screams, standing up with the other students. Peter opens the emergency exit window on the bus and puts his mask on. I lift myself out and follow Peter. He's swinging, I'm flying and we're going across the water to the spaceship. Once we get close enough, Peter catches an alien looking dude's hammer from hiring my dad. I lift up the hammer and hit the alien with it.

"Hey, man. What's up, Mr. Stark?" Peter asks.

"Kids, where'd you come from?"

"Field trip to MoMa." Peter says, getting flung by the alien, who is now recovered. Peter flies across the park and he misses me.

"What is this guy's problem, dad?" I ask.

"He's from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard." We're sitting fighting the alien when a man with a cape flies off.
"Kids, that's the wizard. Get on it."

"On it!" Peter and I say at the same time. We both follow the wizard. Peter is behind another alien while I'm in front of him. I turn around and see Peter get flung by him. I throw a ball of light at him which hits him and he looses balance. Once Peter and I get close enough, we see the wizard is unconscious. Peter shoots a web at him to stick to him and he grabs my hand. We both are getting pulled by the wizard until we start getting pulled up.

"Uhh, Mr. Stark? We're being beamed up!" Peter yells.

"Hang on, kids." We hook onto the ship, looking for an opening. "Pete, Callie, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you."

"But you said save the wizard!" Peter pulls off his mask. "I can't breath!" I nod my head in agreement and I start to get light-headed.

"You're too high up. You're running out of air."

"Yeah! That makes sense." I see Peter faint and start to fall. I look up, trying to keep holding on.

"Callie! Let go, I got you!" My dad screams.

"Okay.." I feel my grip get lighter then I fall. Something traps my body and a mask goes around my head. Peter catches me and I begin to breath. "Parker.."

"Happy trails, kids. F.R.I.D.A.Y., send them home."

"Yep," F.R.I.D.A.Y. replies. A parachute on Peter's suit shoots him back, bringing me with him.

"OH, COME ON!" He yells. Peter then shoots a web and attaches to the ship. He grabs my hand so I can go with him. He brings us into a clamber after putting away his parachute. The chamber starts to shut slowly. "Oh my God!" We look down and see Earth and we're slowly going away from it.

Him ; Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now