Part 19

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Waiting in the school office to talk to Principal Morita seemed like it took all day. I sat in the chair, anxious to just get this over with. Then, his door opens. I see Peter walk out. We make eye contact. His big brown eyes looked tired. He turned his head quickly and walked out. I exhaled.

"Callie," he says, "as I was talking to Peter, you're a good kid and you're a smart kid. So just try to keep your head straight, okay?" I nod my head in agreement. He let me go and I walk out and go to class. All day, I try hard to stay in focus. I ate lunch by myself, not getting distracted by people. It was fifth hour and the bell rings. I use the pass to go to the bathroom. I'm walking down the hall when I bump into Peter.

"Oh..." I say.

"Hey. I'm sorry," he says. I smile at him. We don't say anything, just stand there.

"Well this is awkward." I say, not helping it.

"Yeah," he chuckles. I giggle, not meaning too. "Look, Callie...I just..," he exhaled, "I'm sorry. Not about bumping into you, that too but, just everything. Getting you into trouble and stuff."

"I'm sorry too, Peter." I reply. We stand there in silence.

"I'm in detention for forever so," he says, laughing. I smile at him. "But I was wondering...if you would like to go to homecoming with me?" He asks. My smile quickly turns into a very shocked face. My eyes get big and my mouth drops.

"P-P-P-Peter...I just...I think that..." I stutter, not getting anything out. "Peter, we're not supposed to talk to each other."

"I know, but Callie..." he says, not finishing.

"I think you should ask Liz," I say, trying to help him.

"L-Liz?" He asks. I nod my head.

"I think she likes you, like a lot, and I know you like her, so...?" I say.

"Oh yeah, yeah. Thanks, for the uh, the uh," he doesn't think of what to say. "Yeah."

"Anytime, Pete." I say. "I have to go." I walk off, waving bye at Peter. I wanted to look back, but I didn't. My heart shatters right there because I just told Peter no to homecoming. A tear slips from my eye and I quickly wipe it so no one sees it. I walk back to class.

After School

The bell rang at the end of the day. I hurried up and went outside, waiting for Happy to show up. I wanted to get out of here. But before I could, someone tapped my shoulder. I turn around and see MJ. She pressed her lips together and smiled.

"Hey.." she says.

"Hey," I reply.

"I didn't seem nosy but like...usual you and Peter are talking to each other every class but I've noticed that you guys haven't been hanging out. Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah," I reply, answering simple. "Just need to clear some things up."

"Oh, okay. Sorry for bothering you, but just know, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here. And maybe we can hang out some time...?" She asks. A smile is plastered across my face.

"You're not bothering me and I would love to hang out with you! And thanks. It's always good to know you have someone to talk to." I say, smiling. She smiles back at me.

"Okay, good. Bye." She waves at me and walks off. Then, Happy pulls up. He saw me smiling.

"In a good mood?" He asks.

"For now," I reply, knowing that I'm gonna keep thinking of Peter when I get home. The whole ride back, Happy and I joke around and talk. It made my night a whole lot better. We pulled up and I got out of the car. I go inside and see my mom.

"Hey, sweetie! How are you?" She asks.

"I'm good. How about you, mom?"

"I'm good, thank you for asking." I smell an amazing smell and I go see what she's cooking. Mac N' Cheese. A bigger smile appears across my face. "We're having your favorite." I start laughing. "How was school?" I start thinking about what happened with Peter and my smile turns into a frown. "Are you okay?" I get
snapped out of my zone and nod.

"Yeah! I'm fine," I lie, faking a smile. "School could've gone better, but it's good now. A girl was talking to me and I think we're friends now!"

"Oh, that's cool! What's her name?" My mom asks curious.

"Michelle Jones. Everyone calls her 'MJ' though."

"That's good, I'm glad your making friends." She says, turning of the stove surface and moving the hot pan to the table. "I'll go get your father and we'll eat together, how does that sound?"

"Sounds amazing, mom." I reply, still smiling. She smiles at me and walks downstairs. I slowly sit down in my chair, starting to think of Peter. I knew homecoming was tonight and my mom hasn't asked about it yet, which is weird. I then see her walk back up the stairs, not with my dad.

"He's not coming, he has lots of work to do. So, it will just be us! But I'm going to make him some and bring it down." She says, still excited. She grabs a plate for him and puts lots of Mac N' Cheese on it. "I'll be back!" She walks down the stairs again. I wanted to go to homecoming but I knew that wasn't a very good idea. I'm so lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear my mom come back up. "Honey, are you sure you're okay?" I snap out of my zone again and nod my head.

"Yeah, just thinking." I reply. She grabs two more plates and fills them up. She hands me mine, with a fork on the side, and I thank her.

"So, I heard Homecoming's tonight. Are you going?" She asks, trying to start a conversation.

"I don't know," I honestly reply. "I just...I don't want to go by myself."

"You know what? I think you should go. Going to homecoming by yourself and having the best time is something not everyone can do. I believe that you could pull that off." She replies. I pick my head up to look at her.


"Yes!" I smile at her response.

"Okay!" I quickly finish my food and run upstairs.
This is a short chapter because I don't know what to write right now :(. I have writers block but it's ok!


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