Part 39

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The pain in my side is what woke me up. I look down, wheezing, and see that blood is everywhere and there is dirt in my wound. I slowly turn over, trying to ignore the pain.

"F.R...F.R...F.R.I.D.A.Y., call Happy."

"Okay, putting Happy Hogan on the line." The phone rings but then Happy's voice immediately comes through.

"Callie? Are you alright?"

"Happy," I choke out. "I need come pick me up, please."

"Okay, kid. Where are you?"

"Berlin, Germany."

"Okay, I'll be there." He hangs up and I put more pressure on my wound. I look around. I could've been long since Beck left. I couldn't tell. The sun hasn't changed that much. I lay there, and feel blood seeping out of my wound. Then, Happy's jet drops down. "Callie?!" He jumps out of the plane. He rush to me and picks me up. I groan in pain and he puts me on the jet. Once I'm sitting, I start crying. He looks at wound. "Callie, where's Peter?"

"He...he...I don't know. He got hit by a train. And then..." I start crying more into Happy's arm. He hugs me. After he fixes my wound, and starts flying. "Where are we going?"


"No! Happy, we have to save Peter!" I say, lightly.

"No! You're going home." I finally give in and rest my head. "Is there anything else you need to tell me?" My eyes get glossy.

"Happy, I've been having these nightmares. But they're not nightmares. They're like...visions. And they're scary and so real." I start crying again. Happy pulls me into a hug.

"How long have they been going on?"

"Ever since my dad..." I couldn't finish, knowing I'd probably start crying more. I sigh. I finally got it off my chest and it felt so good. Happy kisses my forehead, and goes back up the pilot seat. I look out the window and watch Berlin disappear. My eyes get lazy and I drift off to sleep.

When we land, it wakes me up. I look around and we're not anywhere close to New York. I look around and we're hovering over a tulip field. I look out the window and see a very injured Peter Parker.

"Peter?" I ask, getting up. My side groans, shooting pain through my whole body. I get out of the jet and run towards Peter.

"Callie?" Peter asks, his hand out. I try to run, but I can't. "Stop!" I stop in my place. "Tell me something only you would know."

"Uh, something only I would know... Oh! Remember that one time when Ned figured out who you were and you were wearing Spider-Man underpants while your suit fell down to your legs! And also, I have my phone to show you the pictures of us!"

"Okay, okay. You're good." I quickly limp to Peter and hug him. I hug him to tightly that we almost start to not breath. I let go and he goes and hugs Happy. "It's so good to see you."

"Peter, you're going to have to tell me what the hell is going on here." We get back on the jet and Happy gets the first-aid kit. Peter sits down in a seat and Happy sits behind him, while I sit in front of Peter. "Okay...hold still. There we go." Peter flinches and I grab his hand. He holds it back.


"I thought you had super strength."

Him ; Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now