Part 24

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We all group back up and go other the plan again. I start to get nervous, knowing what we're going up against. Once we all get it, I walk off, trying to clear my mind. My dad comes up to me.

"Hey, kid."

"Hey, dad."

"Look," he says, sighing. "I don't want you to get hurt, but I don't want to bench you either. Your powers could help us but also hurt us. I need you to keep you distance until I tell you too, alright?"


"Callie, look at me." My eyes meet his. He was nervous too. "I love you so much. And I'm so proud of you."

"I love you too, dad." I hug him, a few tears leave my eyes. He kisses my cheek, and wipes my tears.

"Are you ready?"

"No," I say, laughing a little bit, trying to ease up the nerves. My dad chuckles.

"It's gonna be okay." Mantis warns us and we all get or our place. I hid close to Peter but not right beside him. We all wait for Thanos to appear. I could feel my heart in my stomach and I wanted to throw up. I look down at the necklace I was wearing. Peter gave it to me as a present for my sweet sixteen. I start to play with it and then I put it away when he looked at me. I then hear something. I find a peek spot and see what's happening. A dark colored portal opens up and he appears with it. He walks out with four stones in his gauntlet. Strange is sitting there on what looked like it used to be steps.

"Oh, yeah, you're much more of a 'Thanos'."

"I take it the Maw is dead," he says, looking at the broken ship. "This day extracts a heavy toll. Still, he accomplished his mission."

"You may regret that. He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts."

"And where do you think he brought you?"

"Let me guess. Your home?"

"It was. And it was beautiful." He curls his hand and uses the red stone and it shows exactly what I saw when I was in my 'dream'. "Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, and not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution." I winced at what Thanos just said.


"But at random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike. They called me a madman. And what I predicted came to pass." His fist uncurls and the beauty disappeared.

"Congratulations. You're a prophet." Strange says, sarcastically.

"I'm a survivor."

"Who wants to murder trillions."

"With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers, and they would all cease to exist. I call that...mercy."

"And then what?" Strange stands up.

"I finally rest...and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills." Just then, the golden shields appear on Strange's hand once more.

"I'll find...our will...equal to yours."

"Ours?" He looks up and my dad throws a chuck of wreckage at him, crushing him.

"Piece of cake, Quill."

"Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off!" The wreckage on top of him erupts and he yells in rage. Then a flock of bats swarms my dad and I shoot at them, knocking them all off. I get down from my hiding spot and keep my distance. I see the Titan fall and I blast him with a blue light. He tears the webs off his eyes, probably from Peter. I keep shooting at him from a distance while everyone else is close to him. That's when Peter and Strange work together.

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