Part 8

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I wake up and feel rested. Then I look at the time. I have about 5 minutes to get ready. I jump out of bed and quickly put on pants and a T-shirt. I run to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I go to my laptop and stuff it in my bag. I quickly run downstairs to see my mom.

"Hey, honey. Are you okay?" She asks. I go up to her, kiss her cheek and grab a piece of toast.

"Love you. Tell dad I say love you too!" I run out the door and to the car.

"Hey, kid. Running a little late?" Happy asks, with a smile on his face.

"Be quiet, Happy. I overslept."

"We're you dreaming about that boy?" He raises an eyebrow.

"What? No. I had not dreaming about a boy."

"Okay, whatever you say." I roll my eyes and he starts driving. I could tell he was speeding but I didn't say anything. Once we got there I quickly got out of the car.

"Thanks, Happy!" I yell and run inside. I speed walk to my locker and grab some books and put some away. Then the bell rings. I quickly run to the science and I sit by Liz. I was panting.

"Are you okay? You're a little late, don't ya think?" She asks.

"I'm fine, just overslept." I reply. She nods her head and we go on to class.

Lunch Time

I get my food and see if I can see the boy anywhere. Then I spot him. I walk over to them.

"Can I sit here?" I ask. The boy looks up from his food and a smile takes across his face.

"Yeah," he says. I sit down.

"Um, I'm sorry. But I kind of forgot your name..." he laughs at me.

"It's okay. I'm Peter."

"Peter, Peter. Yeah, yeah. I remember now." He nods his head.

"So, where are you from, Peter?"

"I'm from Queens."

"Wait really?" He nods his head. "That's cool."

Then someone behind me drops their plate. I turn around and use my telekinesis to pick some of the food up but I forget that I'm not supposed to use my powers and I quickly drop the food.

"Do you need any help?" I ask. The person that ran into me rolled their eyes. "Oh, okay." I turn back around and Peter is looking at his food. Once the person gets their food cleaned up, Peter looks at me.

"It's okay, people in this school are sometimes mean," he whispers. I smile.

"That explains it," I say back.

Last Class of the Day

It's now gym class and I get to see Liz. I walk up to her and her friends.

"Hey, can I sit with you guys?" I ask. Liz smiles at me.

"Yeah, of course." I sit down by Liz.

"Okay guys, this is Callie. Callie, this is everyone." Liz says. They all smile at me and I smile back.

"Hi, I'm Betty," a girl with blonde hair says. After they all introduce themselves, we all do a fuck, marry, kill, game and we're doing it with the Avengers. I sit out of this one because I know all of the Avengers. It's Betty's turn.

"Now, see, for me, it would be F Thor, marry Iron Man, and kill Hulk." She says.

Then the kid named Charles says, "Well, what about the Spider-Man?"

"It's just Spider-Man," Betty says.

"Did you guys see the bank security cam on YouTubs? He fought off four guys." Liz says.

"Oh my god, she's crushing on Spider-Man," Betty says, surprised. I turn to her, also surprised.

"No way," Charles says.

Liz shrugs, "Kind of?"

"Ugh, gross," Betty says. I smile and chuckle. Even I don't know who Spider-Man is. "He's probably like, 30."

"You don't even know what he looks like. Like, what if he's, like, seriously burned?" Charles backs Betty up.

"I wouldn't care. I would still love him for the person he is on the inside," Liz says. I totally agree with both of them. Then out of nowhere someone speaks up.

"Peter knows Spider-Man!" I turn to see Ned and Peter both looking at all of us.

"What," I ask myself. Peter looks at Ned and the whole gym stops what they're doing to look at the two boys.

"No, I don't. No. I...I mean..." Peter stutters.

"They're friends," Ned says, not helping the situation.

"Yeah, like Coach Wilson and Captain America are friends," Flash says.

"I've met him. Yeah. A couple time. But it's, um...through the Stark internship. Mm-hmm." He still says, stuttering. My eyes open wide.

"Stark internship"? What "Stark internship"?

"Yeah, well. I'm not really supposed to talk about it," Peter says.

"Well, that's awesome. Hey, you know what? Maybe you should invite him to Liz's party. Right?" Flash says, trying to make fun of Peter.

"Yeah, I'm having people over tonight. You're more than welcome to come." Liz says. Then she nudges me. "You should come to!" I nod my head.

"Having a party?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, it's gonna be dope. You should totally invite your personal friend Spider-Man," Flash says.

"Um..." Peter says.

"It's okay. I know Peter's way too busy for parties anyway, so..." Liz says, kind of disappointed.

"Come on. He'll be there. Right, Parker?" Flash says. I turn to Peter. The bell rings and everyone starts getting up. Then I look back at Liz. She tilts her head and walks off. But before she does, she turns to me.

"You're coming right?"

"I don't know yet," I say.

"Well, here's my number," she says and writes her number on my hand. "Call me if you need a ride or can't come." I nod my head and she walks off. Happy comes and picks me up. I hop in the car, still thinking about what Peter said. "Stark internship". I'm so lost in my thoughts that when we arrive home, Happy has to shake me to get to out. As soon as I get all my stuff I run inside. I see my mom in the kitchen.

"Where's dad?" I ask.

"He's downstairs, why?" She's asks back. I don't even answer her, I just run downstairs. I start to hear the music. I use the password and get inside. My dad turns around and smiles. I turn down the music and walk up to him.

"What-" I cut my dad off.

"What the hell is the 'Stark internship' " I ask.
Oooo! I love this part. Next part is going to be the party and more stuff! Have a good day/night!


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