Part 40

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"You take care of the suit, I'll take care of the music." Happy says, making both Peter and I look at him. Happy presses more buttons and 'Back in Black' by AC/DC plays.

"Oh, I love Led Zeppelin!" Peter shouts. I smile, my heart filled with emotions. My dad's favorite song was playing. I turn back to my suit and I start to feel relieved. I take a deep breath and continue working. Once my suit is done, I let it upload. While it is, Peter is still working. I sit down, and look down at my side. I lift up my shirt, revealing that blood and seeping through my bandage.

"Damn it," I mumble. I quickly go get the first aid kit and take another deep breath. I slowly rip off the old, bloody bandage and quickly replace a new one on there. I pull my shirt back down, and go check on my suit. It was fully uploaded and ready for my to wear. I grab it and go to put it on when I bump into Peter.

"Sorry," I say. He smiles. I look over at his design. I quickly see someone wrong with it. I quickly tap the colors and change it. "It looks better like this." He kisses my cheek and I go get ready. My suit is black with blue strips and flames at the top of my wrists. I look in the mirror and smile. I walk out of the bathroom and Peter is handing Happy something, but Happy gives it back. Peter gets ready in his suit, and we go over the plan. Peter puts his mask and he is ready to of outside the jet. I breath heavy and start to follow him, but Happy pulls my back.

"Are you okay? Can you do this?"

"Happy...I have to. Please, let me." Happy nods and kisses my head.

"You got this, kid." I smile and go to Peter.

"Ready?" Peter asks, looking at me. I nod my head and Peter holds my waist as he climbs outside on the jet, towards the front. I keep my head tucked into Peter's neck, not wanting to look down. I finally lift my head and look to see the monster.

"All right, comm check. Can you hear me, kids?"

"Yeah, I can. It's just a little loud out here." Peter replies.

"Me too!" I answer.

"I like the new suits." Happy says, making me smile. "Whoa, Peter, you sure that's not real?" We all get in view of the monster.

"Holy shit," I mumble.

"Yeah, it's just a hundred times bigger than I expected." Peter and Happy keep talking about the monster. "Uh-huh. We need to get high enough so Beck doesn't see me coming." We start getting a little higher when I look at Peter.

"Let me go," I say. Peter turns to me.

"What? No!" He looks down.

"Peter, just do it. I can go in from the bottom and you can go in from the top." Peter sighs.

"You'll have to go underwater."

"I know, just do it." I put my hand on Peter's cheek, and tilt my head.

"I hate your persuasive ass." He says, making me chuckle. Then, his grip loosens and I lean back. Then, I drop. I look up to Peter, who still has his hand out. I close my eyes and lift myself up. I look down at the water.


"Yes, Callie?"

"When I say, put a protective helmet around my head, please."

"Yes, ma'am." I look down at the water and I release the power off of my hand, making me start to fall. I straighten up, and look down at the water, waiting for the right time.

"Now, F.R.I.D.A.Y.!" I put a force field around my body as a helmet goes over my head. My eyes are still closed. I open them, and look around. "Find an opening." Red laser lines go across the the monster until it goes deeper than it should.

Him ; Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now