Part 16

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We're at the Staten Island Ferry and Peter swings into a building roof. Peter handed me a ear piece and a mask that matches my suit.

"It should connect to my suit, so you can hear what people are saying," Peter says. I grab it and put it in my ear. Then I put the mask at my side.

"Thank you," I reply. We both see the orange ferry and he jumps onto it. I lift myself onto it too.

"Nice," he says. He peeks through a window and I do too. All you see is passengers. No one is sitting out. "Okay, Karen, activate Enhanced Reconnaissance Mode."

"Sure thing," Karen, Peter's suit lady, says.

"He's up front. Main deck," seller 4 says.

"I hate this guy," seller 2 says.

"It's the guy from the bridge right? Who's that other guy?"

"Just keep me posted." Says seller 4.

"There's no record from him in my criminal database. Incoming call from May Parker. Should I reroute to your heads-up display?" Karen asks.

"I can't talk right now. I'll call her back." Peter replies.

"Who's May?" I ask. He looks at me.

"She's my aunt." Peter replies. "My mom and my dad were killed in an airplane crash when I was 6."

"I'm sorry, Peter. I didn't know."

"It's okay." Just then, a spider drone hovers above Peter's head. "Hey, dronie, keep an eye on that guy. We can't let anybody get away this time. Come on," he says to me. He climbs up to the ferry roof. We see 4 men on the front deck. "Who's the guy on the left?" Peter asks.

"Mac Gargan. Extensive criminal record, including homicide. Would you like me to activate Instant Kill?" My head turns quickly to look at Peter. 'Instant Kill'?

"No, Karen, stop it with the Instant Kill already." Peter replies. I chuckle.

"White pickup truck," seller 2 says. Mac nods.

"Dronie, scan the ship for a white pickup truck." We see that all the sellers are here. "Oh, this is too perfect. We got the weapons, buyers, and sellers all in one place."

"Maybe, a little too perfect," I say.

"Incoming call from Tony Stark," Karen says.

"No, no, no. No, no, don't answer." Peter says, but it's too late. He puts his hand over my mouth so my dad doesn't hear me talk.

"Mr. Parker. Got a sec?" My dad says.

"Uh, I'm actually at school," Peter replies.

"No, you're not." Karen says, not helping.

"Nice work in D.C.," my dad goes on anyway.

"Okay," says Peter, not taking the compliment.

"My dad never really gave me a lot of support...and I'm just trying to break the cycle of shame."

"Uh, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now."

"Don't cut me off when I'm complimenting you. Anyway, great things are about to-" my dad gets cut off by the ferry horn. "What is that?"

"Uh, I'm at band practice." Peter says. What a horrible lie.

"That's odd. Happy told me you quit band six weeks ago. What's up?"

"I gotta go. Uh, end call." Peter says.  I take his hand off my mouth.

"Hey." Tony says and the call ends.

Him ; Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now