Chapter thirty-one

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I spread out all the photos I had taken at the concert on the kitchen table. Maggie was at work so it was just Snowball and me on this Sunday morning. I would be going to work at the music shop in a few hours. But I had to get this done.

Queen was having a meeting at EMI with Trident tomorrow. I was taking off the last hour of my workday for it. They were going over album names, cover ideas, and more promo stuff.

Queen had finished their album. It took a lot longer to do the finishing touches but it was done. We had a listening party which mainly consisted of Brain complaining about Keep Yourself Alive and Freddie and I jumping for joy.

I was staring at the photographs I had taken. I needed to pick the best ones. I didn't want to waste anyone's time. I sipped my cup of tea and placed it carefully away from the photos. I paced around the table looking at them. I then picked up each one and examined it.

I finally decided on about twenty and put them into a folder. I then put the rest into another folder. They weren't bad photos, so why throw them out?

I got ready for work, then took Snowball down to go to the bathroom. I waved to the people I knew that walked by. Finally, Snowball had done his business so I could go back up. I got him settled, kissed him goodbye, and made my way to the music shop.

I put my bag on the breakroom table and soon Amber walked in.

"Let me see them!" She said sitting down at the table. I nodded and opened my bag. I placed the folder of the chosen photos. I sat down across from her and took them out.

"Be careful not to get finger smudges on them." I joked. She picked them up and started looking at each one.

"Nina these are incredible, they are gonna make it on something important for sure!" She told me as she looked through them.

"Oh well-"

"You always sell yourself short Nina, these are amazing." She said cutting me off.

"I just hope they get used for something. That whole night I was running around like a crazy person."

She laughed.

"They will."

The next day I was sitting in class bouncing my leg and tapping my pencil on my notebook. I was worried that the people at Trident or EMI or whoever weren't going to like my photographs, or regret giving me Douglas's gig.

The girl next to me, Annie, was giving me a concerned look. I could see it out of the corner of my eye.

I had a problem, I was always confident in my work until it comes to the day I had to present it or show it. Then I'm a nervous wreck.

"Now I want everyone's projects on my desk by Thursday morning." My professor said.

Ugh as if I didn't have enough going on in my life.

Being back in school was all right, but I missed last year when I had more free time. I knew this degree would help me in the long run but it didn't help me right now. I had school, two jobs, and Queen to worry about.

"That will be all."

Everyone got out of their seats. It was the last class of the day, which meant I had to race across town to get to Biba by three.

"You all right?"

I turned to see Annie staring at me.

"Yeah," I yawned. "Just tired."

"Do you wanna go to Keke's for some food?"

Keke's was the hangout on campus, Freddie and I used to go there a lot. Back when we had more time.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now