Chapter eleven

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Exams came and went. Graduation was upon us now. John had received his final marks. He would be reviving an honors degree. All his studying and the hard work had paid off. He graduating at the top of his class. I had also managed to get a spot at the top of my class, something I knew made Freddie very proud.

As for the kiss that John and I shared, well, I didn't see him much after that. I did call him as he asked. I could hear him stumbling over his words trying to ask me out on a date. It was quite adorable I must say. He told me he'd take me out as soon as all the chaos of graduation was gone. We did have plans on the last day of college to go out but, both of us were so exhausted from it, we decided to just wait.

His mom and sister were traveling down from home along with lots of his other relatives. Most of the chaos is his mother and sister would be staying in his tiny flat.

As for the news of our kiss, no one knew. I hadn't gotten the chance to tell Freddie yet. I've been so busy with work and finals and he's been working more too. He did come over at night to help me with final work, but Maggie was always there.

John's graduation and mine were about three days apart. His being June 4th and mine is June 7th.

I was told to come to band practice today because John's mother and sister would be there. They had just gotten in Freddie said and they wanted to meet the band.

I opened the door to the hallway and found Freddie there. He was wearing black pants with a white v-neck shirt.

"Waiting for them to arrive." He said and I nodded. He looked at me and sighed.

"I can't believe you are done with uni already."

I nodded.

"Honestly me either. I'm going to miss it." I said. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm very proud of you Nina." He told me wrapping his arms around from behind me.

"Thank you," I responded.

I sighed. Happy that it least someone was proud of me. Someone cared.

Freddie and I decided to go into the practice room to wait. Roger and Brian were quietly talking about something near the drum set. So I figured this would be a good time to talk to Freddie.

"So I have to tell you something," I said as we plopped down on the couch I've grown to love.

"What dear?" He asked turning to me.

"I kissed John," I whispered.

"You what?! When?!" He asked frantically.

"That night after bowling."

"After bowling?!" He exclaimed and Brian and Roger looked over.

"What happened after bowling?" Roger asked standing up to lean against the drum kit.

I gave Freddie a death stare.

But soon the door opened and it was John. He was wearing his usual bell-bottom jeans with a red t-shirt. His usual platform brown shoes made his appearance known.

He smiled at us as he held the door open for a woman and a teenage girl. The woman had John's eyes I could assume that it was his mother. She had light brown hair the same as the girl. The girl had the same nose as John as well. But not the same mouth.

"Mum, Julie, this is my band, Queen. This is where we practice every week." He said closing the door behind them.

"You have a girl in your band? Now that's pretty cool!" His mother said looking at me. Now that's completely the opposite of what my mother would say.

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