Chapter twelve

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"Move everyone move! Chelsea college graduate coming through!" Freddie said pulling John through the many people in his flat. John tried to keep up with Freddie, who had a glass in hand, but he was stumbling on his feet.

So many people were here that could hardly move without bumping into someone. John had introduced me to some of them, but the others remained a mystery to me.

I was leaning against his kitchen counter, a drink in hand, standing next to Maggie and Mary. Mary couldn't make it to John's graduation because she was working and was disappointed she had missed our sign extravaganza.

The boys I didn't know gave odd looks at Freddie before they too started laughing.

"Freddie please!" John laughed and it made me thrilled to see him so happy.

"So today was the day for the dress? Why? It's just John's graduation." Maggie asked before taking a sip of her drink.

"I just wanted to look nice that's all," I said looking away, listening to the Fleetwood Mac song that was on.

John came over a new drink in his hand, smiling so much his eyes got tiny. He had taken off his gown but Freddie had put his cap back on, backward may I add.

"You're in a good mood," I said readjusting his hat. "I thought you didn't like parties."

"Oh I don't but I know all these people so there is no pressure. I feel completely at ease."

"How many drinks have you had John?" Mary asked raising an eyebrow

"Only one! For once I'm generally happy to be surrounded by people. Wow..." He said thinking for a moment. "That is such a weird thing to come out of my mouth."

"It is," I said. I went to say something but Maggie beat me to it.

"Well good for you John. Since you know everyone, that guy sitting on the couch near your mum, what's his name?" Maggie asked twirling her hair.

Oh my gosh.

"Oh, Nigel?" John said looking over at his couch. "He's one of my good mates from home. I grew up with him. We were in the same band too. He's one of my best mates, I haven't seen him in a while, he came all the way up here-"

"I'm not even gonna pretend I was listening," Maggie said as she went over to the couch. I put my face in my hands and just shook my head.

"That's our best friend ladies and gentlemen," Mary said and we clinked our drinks together.

We all looked at her as she approached Nigel and sat down next to him. Soon the two were giggling.

Freddie came up to Mary and soon they started chatting. John went to turn away but I grabbed his hand. He turned back to me, blushing.

"Talk to me for a bit," I said my head nodding towards his bedroom. His cheeks turned brighter than my dress.

I closed his bedroom door behind him and took off his cap. I sat down on his bed and looked around his room. I'd been in here before, looking through his vinyl. He had me helping look for a certain one he had lost. It was under his bed. It has fallen between the headboard and the bed.

He sat down next to me and I kissed him. His lips were always so soft against mine. It made me wanna go on kissing him forever. I had only kissed Deaky a few times but every experience had been an amazing one.

We kissed for a while, I didn't really realize how long it had been until there was a knock at the door.

"John love are you in there?" His mother asked through the door. We immediately broke apart. I took a tissue from the box in his drawer and wiped my lipstick off his lips. He got up from the bed, gave me a grin, which made me laugh and opened the door.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now