Chapter sixty-three

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John and I waited in the hotel lobby with Julie at the set upon time. We were even ten minutes early. Jack was sitting in his stroller while I leaned on the handlebars. 

We were now in Santa Monica for three nights due to popular demand and ticket sales. Today was a busy day because we had two shows. So that is why we had to leave the hotel earlier than usual to get to the venue to prepare. The guys were going to be absolutely knackered after tonight. 

Ratty came down from the elevator with John Harris talking up a storm. John glanced at his watch, everyone was now officially late.

"Have you seen anyone? We agreed to meet down here at noon and it's now five minutes past, the car is outside waiting!" John sighed clearly impatient. 

"You know how they are," Ratty laughed. "They'll be down shortly."

Ratty and John Harris made for the lobby doors and into the hotel parking lot. 

I was loving the warmer cities we had been at lately. Goodbye snow and hello sunshine. 

A few more minutes passed and Brian made an appearance, apologizing for his lateness saying the lobby never gave him a wake-up call. 

It was fifteen minutes past noon when Roger emerged from the elevators with a few of the roadies. 

"Do you realize that Rob is going to kill us?!" John asked him as the roadies made for the doors. 

Roger pushed his sunglasses up on his nose and brushed some hair out of his face.

"You look a bit stressed Deaky," He said calmly taking out his cigarette pack. "Drag?"

"I don't need a drag Rog, what I need is for you to be on time! It's not just you that gets in trouble! It's everyone!" John yelled looking at his watch. "Where is Fred?"

"I assume he's with Paul and ensemble," Roger responded. 

Freddie's boyfriend had gone home a few days ago and I could tell how much Freddie liked him. It was really cute. Well, when Paul wasn't third-wheeling. 

The driver started honking the horn. I turned to see him in front of the building looking at us, pointing to his watch. 

"IF FREDDIE DOESN'T GET DOWN HERE IN THE NEXT FEW MINUTES-" John yelled and Jack started to cry. "Oh no, I didn't mean to upset you," John said in horror. He bent down and picked up our son, trying to stop the crying. "I'm sorry, so sorry."

Roger laughed and walked outside to take a drag. Brian was also growing impatient, starting to pace around the lobby. A few people who were checking in were staring. The Queen poster on the bulletin board advertising the concert wasn't helping either.

"You've got to chill John," Julie told him. "You are upsetting Jack."

"It's hard to keep your cool when Freddie is twenty minutes late. And it won't be him that has to hear the yelling from our stage manager it's me! It's like he thinks I'm in charge or something! I try but it's like trying to round up wild animals." He sighed.

Jack was soon quiet again, sucking on his pacifier calmly as John placed him back in his stroller. 

The elevator doors opened and it was Freddie, with Paul, and as Roger said the ensemble.

"Where have you been?" Brian asked pointing to his watch. 

"Just let's get going," Paul told him motioning Freddie forward. We followed him outside and we all got in the car. 

I rolled down my window because it was just too nice outside not to enjoy it. I put my sunglasses on and put my arm outside of the window as the driver pulled out of the parking lot.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now