Chapter eight

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The door to building forcefully slammed shut behind me. I wiped my wet brown boots off on the mat as I entered the school. There were always people everywhere at this time. It was around noon, this was when most classes were going on.

It was a gloomy rainy Monday afternoon and we all were miserable. I was so close to graduating, a lot of us were, and we were all under pressure.

My hair was damp from the walk from the bus stop to the door and I just wasn't feeling it today. Especially since Maggie and I were fighting.

I came home the second time and we both just started going at it. She said that I didn't appreciate getting to live with her and I told her she knew that wasn't true. I told her time and time again how grateful I was that she took me from that one-room flat. I was forever grateful for that. I paid her whatever she wanted me to and I had offered to pay more and she told me no. I told her that I was just mad that she was mad. But usually, she tells me when she has guys coming over so that I don't come home. And I prefer not to see two people having sex in my living room. That made her madder. I got a bag and left. I've been staying with Freddie and Roger. I haven't spoken to Maggie since yesterday.

I was walking down the long hallway passing people laughing and carrying on conversations. I was just not feeling it today.

I readjusted the strap on my brown messenger bag and pushed the hair out of my eyes.

"Nina!" I turned my head to see Annie a friend of mine since we met in our first year coming towards me.

She was now next to me. Her wet red hair in a bun today. She wore a flowery blouse tucked into her black bell-bottoms.

"Hello Annie," I said smiling.

"Can you believe this storm?" She asked motioning to her soaked hair.

"No, they predict it's gonna be like this for a full week. I'm dreading it." I responded tiredly, trying worm my way through the crowd of fellow students.

"We haven't talked in a while how are you, Nina?" She asked generally wanting to know. We were more close friends in our first year but we are mutuals now.

She comes from Liverpool, the same as The Beatles, who she had the pleasure of seeing in concert many times. Her favorite was Paul and she was in the front at one of their concerts once. I would hear her over and over recall the night when she almost touched Paul's leg.

She could tell you just about anything about The Beatles. She was like a walking Beatles information book. I mean I liked them too, I snuck off with one of my friends Hannah to a Beatles concert back in high school. But Annie took it to a whole other level.

She was going for a degree in interior design but we had a few classes together previously and we see each other from time to time.

"I'm alright, just a bit overwhelmed lately with all the final work and graduation coming up." I responded.

"Same here, I just can't believe uni is almost over, we have to be like real adults now." She said laughing. I smiled.

"Nah we just have to act like it," I replied and she nodded.

"You're right." She said as we got to my class.

"See you around?" I asked and she nodded.

I entered my classroom and collapsed into my chair. I rang my hair out onto the table and sighed. I looked out the window and saw the rain hitting the window with such a force it made a loud pounding noise. It was almost dark enough for the sun to not even be out at all.

I was in a terrible mood. There's no way to sugar code it. Once class started I just sunk down in my chair and listened, barely, to the teacher and soon it was over. And I was out in the hallway. Annie approached me again.

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