Chapter thirty-six

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"Ugh!" I yelled pounding on my horn. It hadn't stopped raining since we got back to London, today it was a downpour. It was very hard to see where I was driving, which was why everyone was going so slow. My windshield wipers couldn't keep up with it.

I had to be at Biba in five minutes and I was stressing out.

We started moving a little bit more but the place I needed to turn was still not even in sight. Not like I could see much with all the rain anyway.

London and its traffic jams...

I did enjoy having my own vehicle, even if it was just for a little bit. This was John's car, and since he wasn't here right now, he let me drive it for the time being.

Coming to the realization that we wouldn't be moving for a little bit I turned up the radio and changed the channel.

Layla had just ended which I was bummed that I missed. But I forgot all about that when a familiar opening caught my attention. It was 'Keep Yourself Alive'.

"I was told a million times of all the troubles in my way, but you grow a little wiser a little better every day!" I sang. When I was alone I really could give it all my all. "But if I cross a million rivers and I rode a million miles,"

I smiled as we moved a little bit.

"I'd still be where I started bread and butter for a smile! Well I sold a million mirrors in a shopping alleyway, but you never saw my face in any window any day, now they say your folks are telling you be a superstar! But I tell you just be satisfied, stay right where you are! Keep yourself alive! Keep yourself alive! Oh, it'll take all your time and money, that'll keep you satisfied!" I sang dancing around in my seat.

I drummed my fingers against my steering wheel as I heard my boyfriend's bass and Brian's guitar wail.

I kept singing along, getting really into it. I think the car next to me was judging me, but I didn't care. It never got old hearing my boys on the radio.

We were finally moving a bit faster now, I could see the turn-off to the street I needed to be on.

"Keep yourself alive, keep yourself!" I sang happily. Gosh, I missed my boys.

I finally got to the street and put my turn signal on. I switched lanes and then turned onto the street. The traffic was much lighter now that I wasn't on one of the main roads.

I sighed in relief as I turned onto another street and saw Biba. I was late but I hoped my boss wouldn't mind.

"That was a song by the band Queen." The radio DJ said. "They are currently on a UK tour as the support band for Mott The Hoople. So if you like what you heard, go check em' out."

I smiled.

I parked my car and ran inside, covering my head with my jacket's hood. I opened the door and came inside. My jacket was soaked. I wiped my feet off on the mat and started up the steps.

I was winded by the time I made it to the top of the steps. I walked to my office and hung my dripping coat on one of the hooks. I sat my bag by my desk and sat down.

"Oooo someone's late." Serenity teased.

"No one knows how to drive in rain," I replied. "I was stuck for like twenty minutes."

"I hear ya, coming in this morning was rough, this guy almost hit me coming into my lane. The dude didn't use a turn signal."

"What a wanker." I said which caused her to laugh. She's getting better at her British slang and British words, and she was even getting a hint of an accent. But we always teased her because she said wanker so often, it was like her go-to British word.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now