Chapter forty-three

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I couldn't get through to John until four days later. My phone was still off the hook and I didn't have time to use a payphone or make it to someone else's house.

He wasn't answering his hotel room phone and neither were any of the other guys. Even Adam I couldn't get in touch with. They all must have been really busy.

"John, what the hell is going?" I asked when he finally picked up. "Why haven't you been answering my calls? I've been really worried here!"

"I'm sorry love, I haven't been in my hotel room. We've all been down at the hospital."

"How is he?"

"Not good, he's getting sicker."

"Oh my gosh... what are you going to do?!"

"Our management wants to get him home, so we are getting on a plane tomorrow."

"Are they insane? He can't fly under these conditions, what if... what if-"

"Everyone thinks the best thing to do for him is to get him home. The doctors don't recommend him flying but what else can we do? We can't stay here for however long it takes for him to recover. It's not going to be good, but we have to get him home."

"Not going to be good? John it's going to be horrific! How can a person as sick as Brian fly? And a 6+ hour flight at that!"

He sighed.

"We all are worried about him Nen, he looks like he's dying. But our management decided the best thing to do would be to get him home so he can be hospitalized in his own country. They've already made the decision it's out of my hands."

I sighed.

"You know we've practically had to tie Harmony to a chair to keep her from flying to Boston."

"I bet. This whole thing is so terrible. Brian's really sick and we have to end our first tour of America. Ugh." He sighed. "At least I get to see you earlier than expected."

"Yeah... I just wish it wasn't under these circumstances."

The guys were flying out at 7:30 AM which means that would get in at 6:30 PM here. I was off of work by then so I could pick them up. Mary, Harmony, and Maggie would be joining me. We had already called an ambulance and explained the situation. They would be meeting us there.

Harmony was pacing around the airport. Worried sick. I think worse than when he got infected the first time.

I couldn't blame her, if it was John I would probably be the same way, heck, even worse.

"He will be okay," Maggie reassured her. "Once he's here they will take good care of him."

"He turned yellow Mag! Yellow! That's not supposed to happen!" She said not stopping her pacing. "What if he dies?!"

"Oh Harm he's not going to die I promise," Mary told her placing her arms around her. This stopped her pacing but it didn't stop her from tapping her foot.

The doors to the flight opened and John and Roger were helping a very sick Brian walk. They were the first people out. That was probably a very smart thing to do.

Brian still looked yellow and he could hardly stand. The sight scared Harmony so much she started sobbing.

Freddie came out after them, trailing behind looking very depressed. After him, more of our crew came piling out. John Harris came running up to Brian, Roger, and John to assist them.

The boys caught sight of us. But there was no time for greeting.

"The ambulance is out front," I said motioning for them to move in that direction.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now