Chapter twenty-one

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He pushed me to the ground as he threw the guitar I had paid for myself out the second-story window. He turned back towards me. He looked at me while I sobbed.

"Oh grow up Nina." He spit at me. "You're upsetting your sister!" He barked. My sister was sitting on her bed crying up a storm.

"Why..." I cried. "WHY DO YOU DO THE THINGS THAT YOU DO!" I screamed. My mother was now in the room trying to comfort my sister.

He bent down to my level. His face showed fury. He slapped me across the face which caused my sister to scream.

My cheek burned as my body started to shake.

"You don't ever talk to your father that way, you here that girl?!" He yelled.

"But why..." I sobbed. "Why did you break my guitar? There was no reason to!"

"WHAT DID I SAY? DON'T TALK BACK TO ME YOUNG LADY!"  He screamed. "You and your stupid dreams Nina! You are a girl! You were made to stay at home and take care of your husband and children! That is your purpose, do you understand me?"

I didn't respond.


I didn't respond again. He slapped me harder, causing me to cry out.

"You are a terrible musician, Nina! Terrible! Lousy, JUST PLAIN RUBBISH! YOU WOULDN'T MAKE IT ANYWAY! So I did what I had to do. You've pushed me too hard Nina, and that's what you get. So just learn your bloody place already." He told me before storming out of the room. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw how red my cheek was. My sister was sobbing. My mother was trying to calm her down.

"Mum..." I cried turning to her, searching for some kind of comfort.

"Nina why don't you get ready for bed."

I didn't know why I even bothered. She always took my father's side. I got up and went and cried in the bathroom.

"NINA STOP BEING OVERDRAMTIC!" My father yelled. I tried to quiet my sobs.

I got into bed later and Sam turned to me with a tear-stained face.

"No more songs before bed?!" She asked almost in a whimper. I would play her a song before bed on the guitar almost every night. She loved it and I loved that she loved it. I loved to make her happy.

"No Sam, no more songs."

"Can you at least at least sing?"

"No Sam, no more songs, no more singing, ever, now just go to bed."

She looked at me stunned, her expression hurt me but I didn't know what else to say. I was angry, sad, and humiliated. My dreams were shattered.

I turned off the lamp and allowed the darkness in.

I stared off into the distance. I didn't know how long I had been sitting there. The thing that brought me back to reality was the light rain that had started. I got up and wiped the dirt off my pants.

You can do this Nina. Breathe.

I did what my mind was telling me.

Now walk. Just one step at a time.

Again I obeyed. I walked slowly to the door and made my way into the kitchen. I closed the door as quietly as I could. I pressed myself up against the door.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now