Chapter twenty-nine

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Brian kept saying he thought Keep Yourself Alive needed to be done again. He said the song had more potential and didn't sound as good as he knew it could. But nothing was ever done about it.

Queen was having their first professional photoshoot at Fred and Mary's flat. Mary and I spent a lot of time after hours at Biba looking for things that could be included.

Then I helped Mary and Fred get the place ready for the big event.

The day arrived and the photographer arrived cheerfully. His name was Douglas Puddifoot and he looked eager to get started.

They didn't show it but most of the guys were nervous. They had never done anything like this before. But of course, Freddie wasn't nervous. You couldn't get him away from the camera.

He had them do a bunch of different poses and a bunch of different outfits. Then some individually.

Maggie, Mary, and I were behind Douglas watching the whole thing very intensely.

Sometimes I would do silly faces or tell jokes to get them to smile or laugh.

"You looked so cute," I said to John once it was over.

"I was so bloody nervous." He whispered.

"Well, I couldn't tell that you were," I told him caressing his cheek.

"Would you like me to get one of you two?" Douglas asked. "You guys just look so good together, the photographer in me can't resist." He chuckled.

I looked at John and nodded.

"Sure," John said turning to face him. "Why not."

I put one arm around his neck and the other on my hip. He placed his hands on my hips.

"Perfect." He said. The flash went off, stunning my eyes for a moment. "Done. I'll make sure to get this one to you."

"Thank you we really appreciate it," I said and he smiled and started to put his stuff away.

"I definitely want to frame that," I said turning to John. We both smiled at each other.

I was sitting at my desk at Biba when Mary came up to say there was something downstairs that I had to see. I followed her down to find Freddie all dressed up announcing to store costumers that Queen would be having a gig on the twentieth at the Marquee club.

He had a giant black hat with a huge feather coming out the side of it on his head, a fur jacket with black pants on.

Mary and I were laughing as all the consumers just stared at him.

"I hope to see you all there." He said and took a bow. He came over to us.

"Every day I think I know you and then every day you do something like this." I laughed.

"That's my man," Mary said before she kissed Freddie on the cheek.

"Now darlings if you will excuse me, I have to get out of these clothes, since I just tried them on and they aren't mine. I don't need your boss yelling at me for, in his own words, 'Parading around the store in clothes you don't own.' again."

I burst out laughing.

"I remember that," I said still laughing. "He chased you around the store."

"He will regret ever treating me like that when I'm rich and famous!" He said throwing his hand up in the air.

"Indeed he will love, now will you get out of those clothes before I lose my job." Mary laughed pushing him towards the dressing room.

"I'm going I'm going." He said and soon he was gone.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now