Chapter twenty-eight

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My blood ran cold just like when Stacey first told me Sam was getting married. I turned my head to see her and tears filled my eyes. Not because of what was happening, but because of how beautiful my sister looked. She looked stunning. My brother passed me a tissue which I happily accepted.

Sam and our dad walked past me and her eyes turned to me. I saw a smile spread on her face. He gave my sister's hand to Hunter and took a seat next to my mother.

They went through the ceremony. My anxiety going up with every step they went through.

"If anyone objects to these two's union speak now or forever hold your peace." The priest said. I looked at my brothers and they looked at me. I looked at Maggie and then I started to stand. But Sam made eye contact with me. She was shaking her head, only a little bit and it was barely noticeable, but she was. She was begging me not to do it.

I knew she knew what she was doing and what would happen because of it. My mouth went to say something but I couldn't form the words. Before I knew it my butt was back in my chair and the ceremony continued.

I had failed again to protect my sister.

I went back to the hotel and cried into John's and Freddie's shoulder.

"She shook her head at me and I just couldn't do it. I know she doesn't want it and I just should have said it."

"She may not want it but your sister is an adult now, you've got to respect her wishes," Freddie said sadly.

"But they aren't her wishes." I cried. "They are my parent's wishes." I sobbed.

"I know but she is acting if they are hers and you've got to respect that. You did all you could, you truly did."

"I didn't object though."

"What would that have done though? It wouldn't have stopped the wedding, your sister wouldn't have shown her true colors in front of all her family and friends. It would have caused a scene and caused more stress to your sister. Sam was going to marry Hunter no matter what."

I came up from John's chest to look at Freddie. I thought about that for a moment.

"Oh Freddie you are right and that's why my brothers didn't object either. But what do I do now?"

"Sadly I don't think there is anything you can do about it," Freddie sighed. My head fell back onto John's chest.

"She's gonna be so unhappy." I cried.

"I know," John said stroking my hair. "I'm so sorry this is happening."

After crying for about two hours I started to feel as if I didn't have any more tears left to cry. I was numb.

I fixed myself up. Maggie and I headed to the reception which was just in one of the event rooms at the hotel.

Maggie and I sat at our table which was with my brothers, my mother, and my dad. We waited for the wedding party.

Everyone came in one by one and was introduced.

"Introducing for the first time ever, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke!"

Everyone stood and clapped for the couple, including me, despite how much it pained me. I even put on a smile. They came into the room and waved at everyone. Sam turned and caught my gaze, she held it for a few seconds before turning the other direction.

Dinner was served, but I wasn't that hungry, I just picked around my food.

Relatives I hadn't seen in a long time came up to talk to me. Some of them even thought what I was doing in London was cool.

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