Chapter twenty-seven

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"So this is where John Deacon's childhood bedroom?" I asked in the doorway. He was sitting on his old bed where he had slept last night. There wasn't much left in it. A few framed academic awards, some stuff in boxes on the floor, a deep purple poster that was peeling off the wall, and his desk.

"Yes, ma'am this is it. Pretty amazing isn't it?"

"Yes definitely," I replied sitting on the bed next to him. "How long until your mum and sister get back from the store?" I asked smirking. He smirked in response.

"Not for another thirty minutes probably."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I hope so." He joked before I started to kiss him.

We heard the door open and jumped up to get dressed.

"You said thirty minutes!" I yell whispered as I tried to throw on my clothes.

"Well it seemed since I moved out my mum has gotten faster at getting groceries!" He responded as he threw his pants on.

"John! Nina! Where are you?" Lillian called from downstairs.

"Freddie's gonna lose it when he hears this story," I responded running a brush through my hair. "I'm just glad we got to finish."

"Freddie won't hear of this story because I will never hear the end of it," John responded which caused me to laugh. He put his shirt on and I handed him his brush.

"We are up in my room mum! I was just showing her some things!"

I smirked at him.

"Wipe that smirk of your face Jackson, you're gonna get us caught!"

That made me smirk even more. He threw a pillow at me which caused me to laugh. The door opened and his mum entered.

"I'm making meatloaf tonight, they were having a sale on the meat, I hope you like that Nina, if not I can try to whip something else up." She said brightly.

"No meatloaf is fine Lillian, I look forward to it." I smiled. She nodded and left the room.

I picked up the pillow from where it landed at my feet and threw it back at John.

"Fuck you." I laughed and he smirked.

"You did. That's what almost got us in trouble just now-"

"Oh shut up Deacon." I laughed before I threw one of his pillows at him.

The meatloaf was amazing and we ended up doing the same thing we had done the previous night. I feel asleep on John's chest and he got me settled in my room.

I was back in my family home but when I tried to open the door, I couldn't get out. I pulled and pulled on the door but there was no use.

I was trapped.

I tried to break one of the windows but they too, wouldn't move. I was beginning to panic, I just had to get out. I went into our dining room and grabbed one of the chairs. I threw it at the glass but it just came back at me.

It knocked me to the floor.

I turned to my right to see my sister.

"Sam?" I asked but she just stared at me.


She didn't respond, it was as if she couldn't speak. My mother was behind her shaking her head at me.

I turned my head to see my father holding my guitar. The one I had saved up for. I already knew what was about to happen. I wanted it to be different this time. He started running up to my room. I followed behind him screaming at him to stop.

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now