Chapter fifty-six

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How my dad even knew I was pregnant or living with John still remained a mystery. When questioned about it in jail he wouldn't answer. None of my family members seemed to know either. It made me feel unsafe to know he got my address from somewhere, but where?

John was lucky my dad hadn't shown up with a gun. Who knows what could have happened. My dad seemed furious enough that he could have killed him. I wouldn't put it past him. He was scary when he was angry, and he seemed to never have control.

I remember cowering under my bed with Sam as my father went on a furious rampage. When it wasn't directed towards me or my siblings it was towards our mum.

My siblings had been in to visit him and I hadn't. He was being held here at a jail in London until his trial. My mum had been in to visit him multiple times, usually with Sam or Tom.

I decided I should go see him and invited Lillian to come with me who eagerly accepted. She wanted to tell my dad off. And honestly, I was all about it.

We sat down at a little cube with a window and a phone. There were two, one for Lillian and one for me.

I played with my guest pass as I waited for the guards to bring him in. I just wanted to know how he got the information so I can stop any other relatives from showing up. I hadn't seen my dad's brother in years but who knows. The dude could resurface for how crazy my family was being.

My dad came in, sitting down at the seat. He looked awful in his jail uniform, his appearance gave me the idea he hadn't slept in days.

He picked up the phone.

"I'm surprised to see you here." He said plainly.

"So am I," I replied playing with the phone cord.

"You really look pregnant now." He observed looking at my stomach.

"Look dad I'm just here so you can tell me how you knew I was pregnant and how you got my address."

"Is that your wedding ring?" He asked changing the subject. "Your mum said you got married but I guess I didn't really process it until now."

I pulled my left hand away from his view sight.

"Dad, come on I need to know. You owe me at least that." I told him annoyed.

"Who did you have walk you down the aisle- who is that?" He questioned pointing to Lilian.

"That is my mother-in-law. The mother of the guy you beat."

His eyes widened.

"I finally get to see the scum bag in person," Lillian spit. "How would you like it if some stranger came and attacked your child?! I had drive hours on the knowledge that he was in the hospital! I had no other information! That's my child George, and as a parent, I cannot understand how you could do something like this."

"I'm sorry ma'am." Was all he said.

"Oh gee that makes it all better! Tell that to my daughter who rang me crying, asking if her brother was still alive!"

He frowned.

"Your son was living with my daughter in sin, had sex before marriage with her-"

"They are both adults they can do as they please! It's not like she is still living under your roof! She is a grown woman!"

He sighed and didn't reply. I could tell my father was actually guilty for what he had done. He just sat there as Lillian continued to yell at him, causing people around us to look. But she didn't care. She was finally able to confront the man who put her child in the hospital.

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