Chapter forty-four

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I stared at my mother in disbelief after what had just come out of her mouth.

"Wha.... what?" I managed to say.

"I can't undo what I've done... I need your help..."

I was about to ask a follow-up question when everybody walked in. My mum's lips returned to a smile as she handed Harry the baby.

"John, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked urgently.

"Yeah, I- woah okay!" He replied as I pulled him by the hand out into the hallway. I pulled him down far enough from the hospital room that they couldn't hear us.

"Something is wrong with my mother." I breathed. "You were there. She was congratulating me and not being completely terrible!"

"Did something else happen while we were gone?"

"She told me Sam was in trouble," I whispered.

"What?" John asked taken back. "In trouble?"

"Yeah... and when I questioned her she said she couldn't undo what she had done and needed my help!"

"What the hell..."

"I know! Something very weird and bad is going on John I'm telling you..."

"Love let's not jump to conclusions-"

"Too late Deaks I've already jumped off of fucking Mount Everest! My mum being nice to me and then asking for my help? Because Sam's in trouble? She needs me and is being nice to me. Sam is in trouble... my sister is in trouble. I had a bad feeling before and now it's all adding up. My mum feels bad because she forced my sister to get married to Hunter. Now my mum sees how terrible he is... maybe? I mean I don't know-"

"Nina," John said placing his hands on my shoulders. "Slow down love."

"I can't." I cried. "The only reason my mum would ask for my help is if something bad is happening. Something must be." I said as I felt tears roll down my face. "Sam must be in danger or something."

He sighed and pulled me into his arms.

"Nina?" I turned around to see Tom and Dave standing there. They must have noticed I was crying.

"Is everything all right?" Dave asked.

I explained everything that had happened and they all seemed puzzled.

"Why wouldn't she mention it to me?" Tom asked. "I live right in town with her."

"If Sam's in trouble we've got to do something... I mean... we have to." Dave replied.

"Should I talk to mum?" Tom asked.

"There has to be a reason she only told Nina," Dave said turning to our brother.

"She stopped talking the minute you all came in." I sniffled.

Dave shook his head and sighed.

"Well what are we suppose to-"

"Hey, guys what's going on out here?" Harry asked coming out of the room. I turned and hide my face in John's chest. "Is Nina okay?"

"Oh yeah, she's fine," John replied. "She's just emotional about the baby and all."

"Awww, Nina," Harry responded. "Well just letting you all know visiting hours are up, but you can come back tomorrow."

"Okay," I replied. "I'll be back with my gang of friends bright and early... well probably not early because it's Freddie... but we will be here."

A Killer Queen (John Deacon)Where stories live. Discover now