Chapter thirteen

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I was over at John's flat, chatting with John as his mom fixed dinner for us all. It was quite a nice day out, the sun was shining brightly. We sat out on the fire escape, watching the cars go by. It was too cold to go out on it until now. John was sitting next to me, our legs dangling, or hands hanging on the lower bar.

No one was around so with our hands leaning on the bar they wrapped around each other. I leaned my head on his shoulder. A butterfly landed near us. We both just stared at its beauty. It stayed there for a while.  Showing off it's orange wings to us. Then it flew away, meeting up with another butterfly and was soon out of sight.

There were big fluffy clouds in the sky. The smell of summer was here. I looked over at John, his long hair blowing slightly in the wind.

"It's such a nice day out today," I said and he nodded.

"It really is." He responded. I could hear a bird singing from below us.

"Summer is coming."

"It is finally," John said smiling.

We sat there for a moment. But then I slowly brought his face closer to me and kissed him slowly. I could feel the breeze against my face and the faint sound of a song being played in the distance. I let go and I leaned my head against his.

"Dinner!" His mother called bringing us back into reality. We climbed back in the window and sat down at the table.

"Looks, good mum," John said and his mother smiled sweetly.

"Well thank you, son. Now dig in everyone!"

John was outside smoking a cigarette when the phone rang and his mother answered.

"John, Roger's on the line for you."

John came back inside and took the phone. Julie and I got back to talking about The Beatles concert I had attended.

"We had good seats. Sadly we got there late so we couldn't sneak into the pit."

"Your parents seriously wouldn't let you go?" Julie questioned.

"No, they didn't like them. But I said I was spending the night with my friend Hannah and then we went to the concert."

"Time to go," John said grabbing his keys from the counter.

"What?" I asked.

"We've got a surprise for you." He said taking me by the hand.

"John, what's going on?" I asked and he just smiled. He waved goodbye to his mother and I gave Julie a questioning look. She just shrugged.

I questioned him the whole ride to my flat. But he didn't tell me a thing. Nothing that I said could get John Deacon to talk.

We got up to my flat and he knocked on the door. Maggie opened it smiling really oddly.

"Mag what is going on?" I asked crossing my arms. I heard multiple voices coming from inside. I looked back at John and he just grinned. Maggie moved and I could see Brian and Roger sitting on the couch and Freddie sitting on the chair. Mary was sitting on the armrest of Fred's chair, grinning like crazy. "Guys, what the hell is going on?"

John motioned me inside and led me into the living room, Maggie following close behind.

"Are you guys gonna tell me what the bloody hell is going on? Or just stare at me all weird and creepy?"

"Nina," Freddie said standing up from his chair. He was wearing white pants and a yellow polo shirt today, sunglasses on his head. "We've got an early graduation present for you. Rog, why don't you go get it?"

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