Chapter sixty-two

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More time went by and I was getting used to the fact that John wasn't around. I still missed him but his presence being absent was normal now. I didn't have much time until Jack, Julie, and I would be jetting off to Chicago. It's been almost a month without him, just surviving on phone calls and some mail with gifts in them for Jack, Julie, or I.

I could hardly contain my excitement that I was going to see John. Jack had turned a month old, he was approved to go. I was finally gonna pick up my camera again. I was finally gonna see the boys and my husband again.

"Do you have your passport?" I asked Julie the night before our flight.

"Yeah, it's in my purse. I can't believe I'm going to America!" She squealed. "America!! I mean-"

"You are going to have so much fun," I said adjusting Jack on my hip. He's been a lot more vocal lately, he tries to respond to me. It's very cute. He can also lift his head up. I told John about this and of course, he was very upset that he was missing it. I hated that he was missing it too, but I sent him a lot of pictures in the mail. It was the best I could do.

It was hard to fall asleep because I was so excited. Maggie had picked up Snowball earlier in the day so it was just me in bed. Alone. But I wasn't going to be sad because I was seeing my husband tomorrow. I wouldn't just be hearing his voice or seeing his handwriting.

I eventually fell asleep and surprisingly the baby didn't wake up at all. I think he was finally beginning to sleep through the night.

Our flight was at 7 AM and would get in at 4 PM in Chicago. It was going to be a long flight. I was especially worried about Jack and if he could handle it. It was a very long time.

Before when I flew with the guys we all would get headaches over screaming babies. Now that I was a mother I was terrified that he would start to cry and I might not be able to get him to stop. It was a nine-hour flight, people would seriously hate me.

"We have to be at the airport in twenty minutes!" I yelled as we rushed around the flat. We took multiple trips down to John's car and loaded all our bags.

I took Jack from his crib. He started to cry kinda like I did when I was woken up so early in the morning.

"I know Lovebug, I know, trust me I do, it's so early, but we have to go."

I changed him, dressed him, and put him in his car seat that Julie had figured out. I attached the car seat to his stroller that hadn't been used yet and we headed down to the car.

When we arrived at the airport it was less busy than usual due to the somewhat early hour. We all went through security and waited at the gate for the plane to board.

Julie was making me laugh. She had never been on a plane before and was super excited. I didn't want to burst her bubble but a nine-hour plane ride wasn't going to be that fun. I was sure her excitement would fade after about an hour or two.

"I can't believe I'm on a plane going to America!" She exclaimed as she put our carry-ons above our heads. "I mean America! Chicago!"

"You won't be excited after it's been hours and you're still stuck in this plane." I laughed.

"Nah, I still think I will."

"Look at you all naive just like I was." I sighed and she rolled her eyes. "Trust me it will fade out, especially if Jack starts crying."

We took our seats and I set Jack up in his car seat. I paid for a seat for him. There was no way that I could hold him on my lap for that long. I would switch him from the seat to my lap throughout the ride. That's the best I could do.

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